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Jeremy Sisto est un Acteur, Ecrivain et Producteur Américain né le 6 octobre 1974 à Grass Valley (Etats-Unis)

Jeremy Sisto

Jeremy Sisto
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Nom de naissance Jeremy Merton Sisto
Nationalité Etats-Unis
Naissance 6 octobre 1974 (50 ans) à Grass Valley (Etats-Unis)

Jeremy Merton Sisto est un acteur américain, né le 6 octobre 1974 à Grass Valley, en Californie (États-Unis).


Fils de l'actrice Reedy Gibbs et frère de l'actrice Meadow Sisto, Jeremy Merton Sisto est né le 6 octobre 1974 à Grass Valley, en Californie (États-Unis). Il fut marié du 30 août 1993 au 21 juin 2002 à l'actrice Marisa Ryan. Bien qu'il ait joué dans de nombreux films et séries de télévision, il est surtout connu pour son rôle de Cyrus Lupo dans New York, police judiciaire et celui de Billy Chenowith dans Six Feet Under.

Ses meilleurs films

Thirteen (2003)

Le plus souvent avec

Source : Wikidata

Filmographie de Jeremy Sisto (52 films)

Afficher la filmographie sous forme de liste


La Reine des neiges II, 1h44
Réalisé par Chris Buck, Jennifer Lee
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie, Fantasy, Aventure, Musical, Animation
Thèmes Politique, Politique, Films pour enfants, Royauté
Acteurs Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, Jonathan Groff, Josh Gad, Sterling K. Brown, Evan Rachel Wood
Rôle Roi Runeard
Note68% 3.4114253.4114253.4114253.4114253.411425
Trois ans après les événements du premier film, Elsa commence à entendre une étrange voix venant du nord qui l’appelle. Réveillant d'anciens esprits nordiques, le royaume d'Arendelle se retrouve en danger.
Ferdinand (2017)
, 1h48
Réalisé par Carlos Saldanha
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie, Aventure, Animation
Thèmes Mise en scène d'un animal, Tauromachie
Acteurs John Cena, Kate McKinnon, Gina Rodriguez-LoCicero, Bobby Cannavale, David Tennant, Anthony Anderson
Rôle Ferdinand's Father (voice)
Note67% 3.360443.360443.360443.360443.36044
Dans la campagne espagnole, Ferdinand, un jeune taurillon, prend soin en secret d’ une fleur qui a poussé dans l’arène pendant que Valiente, Guapo et Bones, d’autres veaux, s’entrainent et s’affrontent comme le font leurs pères respectifs. L’arrivée du matador met le troupeau en émoi et les adultes rivalisent de force pour être sélectionnés. Raf, le père de Ferdinand, est choisi et part dans l’arène, convaincu qu’il reviendra bientôt mais le lendemain soir, Ferdinand comprend que son père est mort en voyant le camion revenir à vide. Il s’échappe alors, poursuivi par le propriétaire et parvient à monter dans un train de marchandises. Il en sort lors d’un arrêt et tombe dans une rivière escarpée ou il est recueilli par Nina, la fille d’un horticulteur. Celui-ci adopte Ferdinand qui grandit pendant deux ans dans un cadre idyllique, intégré à la famille.
Love Is All You Need?
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame
Acteurs Emily Osment, Briana Evigan, Tyler Blackburn, Jeremy Sisto, Elisabeth Röhm, Ana Ortiz
Rôle Mr. Thompson
Note61% 3.0506353.0506353.0506353.0506353.050635
When a female quarterback (Briana Evigan) falls in love with a journalist (Tyler Blackburn) they are harassed after their relationship becomes public as the world is overwhelmingly homosexual and heterosexuality is publicly reviled.
The Door
The Door (2016)
, 1h36
Réalisé par Johannes Roberts
Origine Inde
Genres Thriller, Horreur
Thèmes L'enfance, Fantômes
Acteurs Sarah Wayne Callies, Jeremy Sisto, Javier Botet
Rôle Michael
Note53% 2.654422.654422.654422.654422.65442
Installé en Inde depuis plusieurs années, un couple d'Américains est confronté à la mort de leur fils dans un tragique accident de voiture. Alors que Maria, la mère, s'enfonce jour après jour dans une profonde dépression, leur gouvernante indienne lui offre la possibilité de contacter son fils une dernière fois. Dans une forêt du sud de l'Inde se trouve un temple servant de frontière entre le monde des morts et celui des vivants. La mère pourra y contacter l'esprit de son fils, mais sous aucun prétexte, elle ne doit ouvrir la porte du temple…
Hangman (2015)
, 1h25
Origine Royaume-uni
Genres Thriller, Horreur
Acteurs Jeremy Sisto, Kate Ashfield, Ryan Simpkins, Ty Simpkins, Amy Smart, Ross Partridge
Rôle Aaron
Note47% 2.3566952.3566952.3566952.3566952.356695
De retour de vacances, la famille Miller retrouve leur maison tout en désordre après qu'elle ait été cambriolée. Après avoir tout nettoyé, ils continuent leur vie avec le sentiment d'avoir été violés. Mais ils ne savent pas que le cauchemar ne fait que commencer.
Batman vs. Robin, 1h16
Réalisé par Jay Oliva
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Science-fiction, Action, Aventure, Animation
Thèmes L'enfance, Batman, Super-héros, Super-héros inspiré de comics
Acteurs Jason O'Mara, David McCallum, Troy Baker, Sean Maher, Jeremy Sisto, Grey DeLisle
Rôle l'Ergot
Note71% 3.5512753.5512753.5512753.5512753.551275
Damian Wayne s'est imposé comme Robin, mais il continue à se heurter avec son père Batman sur la règle de ne pas tuer les criminels. Quand il devient la cible de recrutement d'une société secrète appelée la Cour des hiboux, le duo doit faire face à sa plus grande opposition : l'autre.
H8RZ (2015)
, 1h34
Réalisé par Derrick Borte
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Thriller, Action
Acteurs Israel Broussard, Abigail Spencer, Eliza Hope Bennett, Jeremy Sisto, Malcolm Mays, Cary Elwes
Rôle Mr. Faustin
Note58% 2.9004452.9004452.9004452.9004452.900445
In the aftermath of a mysterious high school "incident" which results in the school burning and a group of students dead, the school's attorney, Laura Sedgewick (Abigail Spencer) questions the only witness alive, a student, Alex (Eliza Bennet), in hopes of protecting the school from any lawsuits. The story is told by Alex's perspective and shown in flashbacks. Alex meets Jack (Israel Broussard), his girlfriend, Carla (Sophie Curtis), Ricky (Chris Petrovski) and Cameron (Malcom Mays) at detention after they were caught cheating on a test. They team up to hack into the school and change their failing grades. Jack is hesitant at first but gives in. Thinking that they've succeeded they celebrate. But soon each one of then begin to be blackmailed by an unknown person who disguises themself as "Brittany Taman." Everyone is confused due to the fact that Brittany Taman was a student who committed suicide. Ricky reveals that Jack had something to do with her. The unknown person gives each of them different errands. They proceed to find out who their blackmailer is. Meanwhile, in present time Jack is seen at the hospital severely burned. He repeatedly says the name "Brittany" leaving his parents confused. Back into the story, they soon discover that the blackmailer is their own science teacher, Faustin. He had witnessed Cameron hacking into the school computer. He threatens them to get him a specific amount of money at any cost or else he would tell the police. The group is stressed, not knowing how to get the money. Ricky considers telling the authorities but his family is forced to move back to Russia. Feeling pressured, Carla considers overdosing on pills. Alex discovers a way on how to steal 5 million dollars. They all team up once again to steal money using fake ID's and add all the money to the school account online. Once they have all the money needed, they meet their teacher and give it to him in exchange for their freedom. Cameron still enraged by everything their teacher put them through confronts him and Faustin pulls out a gun and kills Carla and Cameron. Jack is also shot but is still alive. The attorney tells Alex to leave far away and threatens him never to speak of the incident ever again. Meanwhile, she and the principal go on the school account to discover that all the money the kids had stolen is gone. Just as Alex receives a message on his phone that all the money has been deposited into his own account. A video message sent to the principal reveals that Brittany faked her death and that Jack used and lied to her while he was still with Carla. Carla later got the whole school to turn against Brittany causing Brittany to want to commit suicide. Also, Cameron and Ricky wanted to take advantage of her. The video ends with her saying that these haters will pay for everything they did to her. It becomes clear that there is much more to this story than meets the eye. After putting pieces together from Alex's story the attorney learns that Alex is actually Brittany and that he stole the money and that he shot his classmates himself. Meanwhile, Jack dies from his severe wounds at the hospital. Brittany is seen leaving in a car taking out brown eye contacts revealing her natural blue eyes revealing that she is indeed Brittany and faked another identity to avenge herself. The movie ends with the attorney running and yells after.
Break Point
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
Thèmes Sport, Tennis
Acteurs Jeremy Sisto, Adam DeVine, Amy Smart, J. K. Simmons, David Walton, Chris Parnell
Rôle Jimmy
Note60% 3.044633.044633.044633.044633.04463
Brash man-child Jimmy Price knows his days as a doubles tennis player are nearly finished. Since he's burned practically all of his bridges on the pro circuit, it's a huge blow when his latest partner drops him. With no other option, he tries to revive his career by convincing his estranged brother (and former tennis partner) Darren to join him on the court. With the help of an unusual 11-year-old named Barry, the duo make a go at a grand slam tournament.
Air Force One ne répond plus, 2h44
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Catastrophe, Action
Thèmes Film catastrophe
Acteurs Jeremy Sisto, Emilie de Ravin, Rupert Graves, Jamie Thomas King, Ken Duken, Linda Hamilton
Rôle Fergus Markey
Note41% 2.073732.073732.073732.073732.07373
Markey, capitaine dans l'armée américaine, est envoyé en Serbie pour arrêter un criminel de guerre, Dragutin. Au même moment, la présidente Rowntree s'envole à bord de l'avion présidentiel Air Force One avec une jeune journaliste, Romero. Mais l'avion est piégé et doit atterrir d'urgence en Serbie, où se trouve le bras droit de Dragutin, un certain Petrovic. Markey ignore que Petrovic est en fait un agent britannique du MI5…
As Cool as I Am, 1h32
Réalisé par Max Mayer
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Comédie, Comédie dramatique
Acteurs James Marsden, Claire Danes, Jon Tenney, Sarah Bolger, Peter Fonda, Jeremy Sisto
Rôle Guy Karlsburg
Note58% 2.901542.901542.901542.901542.90154
Lucy (Sarah Bolger) is a self-confessed tomboy who gets on well with her father Chuck (James Marsden), but is frequently separated from him for months on end when he works in Canada. Her relationship with her mother Lainee (Claire Danes) is easy-going provided she keeps the house tidy. Lucy is even allowed to drive her mother's car, even though she is too young to apply for a license. When her father comes back, which is only 3 times a year, Lucy says that she skips a whole week of school and that Lainee lies to Chuck about not having a job and stays home. Chuck appears to be what Lucy calls an "old-fashioned" man because he wants to provide for the family and therefore looks down upon Lainee having a job.
Robot and Frank, 1h29
Réalisé par Jake Schreier
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Science-fiction, Comédie, Comédie dramatique, Policier, Science-fiction humoristique
Thèmes Maladie, Comédie de science-fiction, Le futur, Folie, Le handicap, Buddy movie, Hold up, Mise en scène d'un robot
Acteurs Frank Langella, Susan Sarandon, Peter Sarsgaard, James Marsden, Jeremy Strong, Liv Tyler
Rôle Sheriff Rowlings
Note69% 3.499213.499213.499213.499213.49921
Frank, ancien cambrioleur, est désormais un retraité atrabilaire et kleptomane. Il apprécie se rendre à la bibliothèque, où il retrouve Jennifer la bibliothécaire avec qui il s'entend bien. Il aime aussi voler des articles dans un magasin. Il a, par moments, d'importants problèmes de mémoire : il pense que son fils est encore à l'université, il oublie qu'il est divorcé depuis trente ans, il oublie les invitations qu'il a lancées…
Sironia (2011)

Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame
Acteurs Amy Acker, Tony Hale, Robyn Lively, Carrie Preston, Meaghan Jette Martin, Jeremy Sisto
Rôle Tucker
Note62% 3.1426053.1426053.1426053.1426053.142605
Inspired by the music of singer-songwriter Wes Cunningham, Sironia is the story of a talented musician who has been chewed up and spit out by the Hollywood music machine. Frustrated by his broken career, Thomas Fisher and his wife Molly impulsively pack up and move to small town Sironia, Texas to live a more authentic life and raise their first child near Molly's brother and his family. Despite the change of scenery, Thomas's deep resentment over his lost dreams gets the best of him as he struggles to find peace with his stalled career, until he remembers what he loved about music - and Molly - in the first place.
Into Temptation, 1h35
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Thriller
Thèmes Religion, Sexualité, Erotique, Prostitution
Acteurs Jeremy Sisto, Kristin Chenoweth, Brian Baumgartner, Bruce Young, Tony Papenfuss, Linda Kelsey
Rôle Father John Buertein
Note64% 3.205693.205693.205693.205693.20569
Father John Buerlein (Jeremy Sisto) is the mild-mannered Catholic priest of a small parish in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Overworked and underpaid, he has grown jaded with the profession and has trouble connecting with his parishioners. During confession, a mysterious and unnamed prostitute (Kristin Chenoweth) confesses to a sin she has not yet committed: she plans to commit suicide on her birthday. Father John is taken aback. The confession ends abruptly, and he is unable to stop the woman before she disappears. He only knows she wears a crucifix and is an Aries, which means her birthday is soon. Father John grows obsessed with finding and helping this woman, and begins visiting the city's red-light district with the hopes of finding her. On his way home, Father John meets a homeless man named Gus (Gene Larche), but with no money for him, he gives him a rosary instead. Later, he seeks counsel from his friend Father Ralph O'Brien (Brian Baumgartner), who advises him not to become too personally involved.
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Undead, 1h35
Réalisé par Jordan Galland
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie, Comédie horrifique, Horreur
Thèmes Vampire, Comédie horrifique
Acteurs Jake Hoffman, Devon Aoki, John Ventimiglia, Kris Lemche, Ralph Macchio, Jeremy Sisto
Rôle Detective Wimbly
Note50% 2.5068552.5068552.5068552.5068552.506855
Julian Marsh (Jake Hoffman), an unemployed young lothario, is forced by his doctor dad (Chip Zien) to accept a job directing an off-Broadway play called Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Undead, which is described as a weird adaptation of Hamlet. The play has been written by a mysterious, pallid Romanian named Theo Horace (John Ventimiglia), a vampire who has just killed a young woman (Bijou Phillips). Unaware of the danger that surrounds Theo’s play, Julian casts his best friend Vince (Kris Lemche) as Hamlet and uses his new job to impress his ex-girlfriend, Anna (Devon Aoki), an aspiring actress. To Julian’s dismay, Anna has taken up with a shady businessman named Bobby Bianchi (Ralph Macchio), who has reputed ties to the Mafia. When Anna is cast as Ophelia, she slowly gets involved with Theo. The roles of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern in Theo’s play are filled by Carlo (Carlos Velazquez) and Mickey (Mike Landry), two narcissistic actors as foolish as the characters they are cast to play. Opening night draws near and people begin to die. Two bumbling New York City detectives (Jeremy Sisto and Lou Carbonneau) chase suspects as the movie builds to its climactic sequence.
La Ligue des justiciers : Nouvelle frontière, 1h15
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Science-fiction, Fantastique, Action, Aventure, Animation
Thèmes Mise en scène d'un animal, L'enfance, Mise en scène d'un lapin ou d'un lièvre, Batman, Superman, Extra-terrestres, Super-héros, Super-héros inspiré de comics, Films pour enfants, Extraterrestre, Mise en scène d'un mammifère
Acteurs David Boreanaz, Miguel Ferrer, Neil Patrick Harris, Lucy Lawless, Kyle MacLachlan, John Heard
Rôle Batman (voice)
Note69% 3.4969253.4969253.4969253.4969253.496925
À la fin des années 1950, le maccarthisme a forcé la plupart des super-héros de la Société de Justice d'Amérique à prendre leur retraite. De leur côté, Superman et Wonder Woman travaillent pour le gouvernement alors que Batman continue malgré tout d’œuvrer dans l'illégalité. Mais les temps changent, et tandis que de nouveaux héros sont traqués comme les anciens (Flash, Green Arrow, …) et que d'autres sont encore incertains (Hal Jordan, Martian Manhunter), un danger millénaire menace l'humanité. L'Amérique va devoir faire face à ses démons…