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Grigor Vachkov est un Acteur Bulgare né le 26 mai 1932 à Levski Municipality (Bulgarie)

Grigor Vachkov

Grigor Vachkov
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Nom de naissance Grigor Vachkov Grigorov
Nationalité Bulgarie
Naissance 26 mai 1932 à Levski Municipality (Bulgarie)
Mort 18 mars 1980 (à 47 ans) à Sofia (Bulgarie)

Grigor Vachkov, often called Grishata (Bulgarian: Григор Вачков - Гришата; 26 May 1932 – 18 March 1980) was a Bulgarian theater and film actor, honored with the award of "People's actor" in the People's Republic of Bulgaria. He had more than 41 appearances and leading roles in the Bulgarian cinema.

Vachkov got a broad popularity after the role of Mitko the Bomb in the TV series At Each Kilometer (1969–71). Despite his death in 1980, he remains as one of the leading actors in the history of the Bulgarian cinematography of that time. During the 1960s and 1970s, Vachkov starred in classic film productions as Torrid Noon (1965), The Tied Up Balloon (1967) both written by Yordan Radichkov, Whale (1970) directed by Petar B. Vasilev, The Kindest Person I Know (1973), The Last Summer (1974) also written by Radichkov, Almost a Love Story (1980), The Truck (1980) and especially his role as Banko in Manly Times (1977) directed by Eduard Zahariev. Vachkov is also known for his numerous appearances on the stage of the Satirical Theatre „Aleko Konstantinov“, Sofia.

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Filmographie de Grigor Vachkov (12 films)

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Топло (1978)
, 1h37
Genres Comédie
Acteurs Konstantin Kotsev, Naum Shopov, Georgi Cherkelov, Todor Kolev, Tatyana Lolova, Grigor Vachkov
Rôle Workman / Gyp
Note84% 4.2328454.2328454.2328454.2328454.232845
The inhabitants of one apartment building want to have central heating. However, with significant effort and strong connections, the Journalist manages to unveil that the turn of their building, to be included in the central heating network, has not yet come. Moreover, it is unclear in how many years it will come. In their despair and after a number of arguments, quarrels and even a bit of shooting, they decide do undertake actions that are considered illegal at that time (see Special notes). They hire contractors to lay the pipes. Three guys show up, the contract is signed and the money is paid in advance. Soon the work begins. With skills and acts provoking severe doubt in their professionalism, the contractors manage to drill holes in all walls and ceilings and then they disappear. Panic and despair strikes the residents. What are they to do now…? A decision is made. They must find the crooks and bring them back to finish what they have started. Finally, it turns out that our three fellows are already in jail. Then, the sufferers strike a bargain with the director of the jail; if he lets the cheats out to finish the job, then there will always be a shift of three people from the inhabitants of the building to take their places in jail. Moreover, such highly educated people like the Journalist and the Academician will give series of lectures to the prisoners, which will help the director to fulfil the cultural plan of the prison for the year.
Posledno lyato, 1h26
Réalisé par Christo Christov
Genres Drame
Acteurs Grigor Vachkov
Rôle Ivan Efreytorov
Note70% 3.548893.548893.548893.548893.54889
Кит (1970)
, 1h16
Réalisé par Petar B. Vasilev
Genres Comédie
Acteurs Georgi Kaloyanchev, Dimitar Panov, Grigor Vachkov, Georgi Partsalev, Stoyanka Mutafova, Evstati Stratev
Rôle Capitaine
Note78% 3.9135553.9135553.9135553.9135553.913555
A small fishing ship after an unsuccessful quest for some draught got not more than a single fish on top of everything the smallest one - a sprat. Despite the miserable catch the captain (Vachkov) reports through the transmitter to the superior of the fishing base Petrov (Nikolov). Of course he mentions a bigger species of fish and doesn't particularize the quantity. After months without any production from the enterprise, the superior of the base in his turn reports personally to the big local boss Kalcho Kalchev (Panov). One more time the species are enlarged and even the presence of a considerable shoal is entangled. Sitting to the table the two men have a drink or two of some cognac to celebrate the occasion. They don't stop and decide to specify the catch as a draught of dolphins as more massy kind of sea creature.
Le Ballon attaché, 1h38
Réalisé par Binka Zhelyazkova
Genres Drame, Comédie, Fantasy
Acteurs Grigor Vachkov, Georgi Partsalev, Georgi Kaloyanchev, Konstantin Kotsev, Georgi Georgiev-Getz, Konstantin Vasilev Kisimov
Rôle Chovekat s pishtova
Note73% 3.6894753.6894753.6894753.6894753.689475
Pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, un ballon dirigeable militaire apparaît soudainement dans le ciel au-dessus d’un village de montagne bulgare. Étonnés, les villageois décident de le faire descendre mais le ballon s’envole. Les villageois s’arment et suivent le « miracle » mais un groupe d’un autre village fait de même. Petit à petit, une querelle s’installe : à quel village le ballon appartient il ?
Étoiles (1959)
, 1h32
Réalisé par Konrad Wolf
Origine Bulgarie
Genres Drame, Guerre
Thèmes Religion, Politique, Religion juive
Acteurs Jürgen Frohriep, Hannjo Hasse, Yury Yakovlev, Itzhak Fintzi, Grigor Vachkov, Yuriy Yakovlev (Bulgarian actor)
Rôle Montyor v rabotilnitzata
Note74% 3.7256153.7256153.7256153.7256153.725615
Dans un camp de concentration en Bulgarie, Walter, un sous-officier allemand, tente de faire évader Ruth, une jeune juive, dont il est tombé amoureux.