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Naum Shopov est un Acteur Bulgare né le 27 juillet 1930 à Stara Zagora (Bulgarie)

Naum Shopov

Naum Shopov
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Nationalité Bulgarie
Naissance 27 juillet 1930 à Stara Zagora (Bulgarie)
Mort 18 avril 2012 (à 81 ans) à Sofia (Bulgarie)

Naum Shopov (Bulgarian: Наум Шопов; born 27 July 1930 in Stara Zagora - 18 April 2012, Sofia) was a Bulgarian actor. He performed in more than thirty films since 1960.

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Filmographie de Naum Shopov (8 films)

Afficher la filmographie sous forme de liste


Commando d'élite, 1h33
Réalisé par Dolph Lundgren
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Thriller, Action, Aventure
Thèmes Le terrorisme
Acteurs Dolph Lundgren, Melissa Molinaro, Hristo Chopov, Dave Legeno, Zachari Baharov, Katarzyna Wolejnio
Rôle Peter
Note54% 2.7472752.7472752.7472752.7472752.747275
En août 1991, les militaires de l'ancien régime soviétique tentent de renverser le Président Mikhail Gorbachev. Le coup d'état échoue, et ses membres sont arrêtés, La Fédération Russe voit le jour.
The Mechanik, The Russian Specialist, 1h34
Réalisé par Dolph Lundgren
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Thriller, Action
Thèmes Mafia, Gangsters
Acteurs Ben Cross, Dolph Lundgren, Raycho Stevanov Vasiliev, Asen Blatechki, Naum Shopov
Rôle Vanya Cherenko
Note54% 2.747562.747562.747562.747562.74756
Un ancien spetsnaz, Nick Cherenko voit sa famille tué par la Mafia russe. Il croit abattre tous les assassins. Plus tard, vivant comme mécanicien aux États-Unis, il découvre que le Parrain est encore en vie...
Топло (1978)
, 1h37
Genres Comédie
Acteurs Konstantin Kotsev, Naum Shopov, Georgi Cherkelov, Todor Kolev, Tatyana Lolova, Grigor Vachkov
Rôle The Journalist
Note84% 4.2328454.2328454.2328454.2328454.232845
The inhabitants of one apartment building want to have central heating. However, with significant effort and strong connections, the Journalist manages to unveil that the turn of their building, to be included in the central heating network, has not yet come. Moreover, it is unclear in how many years it will come. In their despair and after a number of arguments, quarrels and even a bit of shooting, they decide do undertake actions that are considered illegal at that time (see Special notes). They hire contractors to lay the pipes. Three guys show up, the contract is signed and the money is paid in advance. Soon the work begins. With skills and acts provoking severe doubt in their professionalism, the contractors manage to drill holes in all walls and ceilings and then they disappear. Panic and despair strikes the residents. What are they to do now…? A decision is made. They must find the crooks and bring them back to finish what they have started. Finally, it turns out that our three fellows are already in jail. Then, the sufferers strike a bargain with the director of the jail; if he lets the cheats out to finish the job, then there will always be a shift of three people from the inhabitants of the building to take their places in jail. Moreover, such highly educated people like the Journalist and the Academician will give series of lectures to the prisoners, which will help the director to fulfil the cultural plan of the prison for the year.
Soldaty Svobody (TV), 9h59
Réalisé par Youri Ozerov
Genres Guerre, Historique
Thèmes Politique
Acteurs Yevgeny Semyonovich Matveyev, Vasily Lanovoy, Viktor Avdyushko, Anton Gorchev, Stanisław Jaśkiewicz, Naum Shopov
Rôle Tzar Boris III
Note58% 2.912822.912822.912822.912822.91282
The film reflects the following events of World War II: the capitulation of Friedrich Paulus's Sixth Army as a result of the failed assault on Stalingrad during Operation Blue in 1942; the preparation for revolt in Slovakia; negotiations of the Polish communists with Władysław Sikorski's government over their joint struggle against fascism; the creation of a National Committee of the Domestic Front in Bulgaria and preparation by underground workers-communists for armed revolt; expansion of the guerrilla (partisan) movement; the failure of a German attempt to destroy People's Liberation Army of Josip Broz Tito; one of the largest military operations, Bagration; the beginning of the liberation of Poland; creation of the Polish National Government in Lublin; the Warsaw Uprising; the capitulation of Bór-Komorowski and defeat of the Polish patriots; the entry of Soviet and Polish armies into Warsaw.