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Dimitar Panov est un Acteur Bulgare né le 18 juillet 1902 à Veliko Tarnovo (Bulgarie)

Dimitar Panov

Dimitar Panov
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Nationalité Bulgarie
Naissance 18 juillet 1902 à Veliko Tarnovo (Bulgarie)
Mort 15 novembre 1985 (à 83 ans) à Sofia (Bulgarie)

Dimitar Panov (Bulgarian: Димитър Панов) was a Bulgarian film and theater actor and director, born in 1902, deceased in 1985.

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Filmographie de Dimitar Panov (8 films)

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Два диоптъра далекогледство, 1h29
Réalisé par Petar B. Vasilev
Genres Comédie
Acteurs Georgi Partsalev, Dimitar Panov, Kiril Gospodinov
Rôle Dyado Pano
Note77% 3.8651153.8651153.8651153.8651153.865115
Dimo Manchev (Partsalev), a 50-year-old head of family, has a conservative notion of upbringing and morality. Being familiar with his disposition, the Manchev's daughter Lili (Bratanova) married his sweetheart Plamen (Gadzhokov) in secret. The young couple cast about how to announce the marriage all the more that they are both still students studying in university. The hesitation grows when the father shows strictness even though they present their relation as some university friendship. Lili and Plamen find a cordial welcome by the Lili's grandfather and Manchev's father - Old Pano (Panov). The culmination advances when they are caught in the Old Pano's house by the accidentally passing through the village Manchev. Gradually, Dimo Manchev starts accepting their relationship and even become the main (and the only) organizer of the wedding day ceremony. The young couple are horrified at the prospect of some old-fashioned wedding banquet with a great number of guests. They own to having signed and that actually they are already husband and wife. Manchev is devastated but doesn't give up, especially after learning that the Plamen's parents were also initially against this marriage. Being respected dentists in a small town, they look down on Manchev's working-class background. He cannot swallow the insult and declares willingness to take charge of the newly married couple. Finally, there is a happy end the more so as a baby is born and the Old Pano' words remain: "...Dimo, Dimo, they can be without you, but you can't be without them.
Taralezhite se razhdat bez bodli, 1h24
Réalisé par Dimitar Petrov
Genres Comédie
Acteurs Dimitar Panov
Rôle Dyadoto, koyto zhivee sam
Note85% 4.2607254.2607254.2607254.2607254.260725
Кит (1970)
, 1h16
Réalisé par Petar B. Vasilev
Genres Comédie
Acteurs Georgi Kaloyanchev, Dimitar Panov, Grigor Vachkov, Georgi Partsalev, Stoyanka Mutafova, Evstati Stratev
Rôle Kalcho Kalchev
Note78% 3.9135553.9135553.9135553.9135553.913555
A small fishing ship after an unsuccessful quest for some draught got not more than a single fish on top of everything the smallest one - a sprat. Despite the miserable catch the captain (Vachkov) reports through the transmitter to the superior of the fishing base Petrov (Nikolov). Of course he mentions a bigger species of fish and doesn't particularize the quantity. After months without any production from the enterprise, the superior of the base in his turn reports personally to the big local boss Kalcho Kalchev (Panov). One more time the species are enlarged and even the presence of a considerable shoal is entangled. Sitting to the table the two men have a drink or two of some cognac to celebrate the occasion. They don't stop and decide to specify the catch as a draught of dolphins as more massy kind of sea creature.
La fontaine aux mille plaisirs, 1h23
Réalisé par Ernst Hofbauer
Origine Autriche
Genres Erotique, Comédie
Thèmes Sexualité, Erotique
Acteurs Ann Smyrner, Eddi Arent, Sieghardt Rupp, Christa Linder, Marianne Schönauer, Balduin Baas
Rôle Lars Pogge
Note48% 2.4001052.4001052.4001052.4001052.400105
Le conseil municipal du village idyllique de Jonkborn, dans l'arrière-pays suédois, veut s'ouvrir au tourisme afin d'exploiter une nouvelle source de revenus. Le ministère du tourisme a déjà promis un soutien financier si certaines conditions sont remplies. L'expert publicitaire Leif doit conseiller la commune. Le maire Nils Hansen apprécie l'idée d'étendre l'attraction dans la source forestière voisine, surnommée par la population la "source d'amour". Une affiche est vite conçue, qui montre une dame nue en se baignant et sur on lit : La source d'amour de Jonkborn donne de la force à la beauté des hommes et des femmes !
Nous étions jeunes, 1h50
Réalisé par Binka Zhelyazkova
Genres Drame, Guerre, Romance
Acteurs Dimitar Buynozov, Georgi Georgiev-Getz, Dimitar Panov, Anani Yavashev
Note75% 3.7553953.7553953.7553953.7553953.755395
Alors que Sofia est assiégée par l'armée nazie, Veska rejoint une groupe de jeunes antifascistes. Elle rencontre parmi eux Dimo, un résistant passionné et séduisant. Alors que le groupe lutte pour empêcher les Nazis d’avancer, une romance naît entre les deux jeunes résistants…