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Dimitar Manchev est un Acteur Bulgare né le 17 juillet 1934 à Sofia (Bulgarie)

Dimitar Manchev

Dimitar Manchev
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Nationalité Bulgarie
Naissance 17 juillet 1934 à Sofia (Bulgarie)
Mort 14 janvier 2009 (à 74 ans) à Sofia (Bulgarie)

Dimitar Manchev (Bulgarian: Димитър Манчев) was a Bulgarian stage and film actor born in 1934, deceased in 2009.

He is best known for the colourful character of Mitashki portrayed by him in the Bulgarian hit movie from the 1980s A Nameless Band. He is also known for the numerous roles on the stage, most notably as Kovadzhik in The Pig tails by Jaroslav Dietl, Shtatala in Tarelkin' death by Aleksandr Sukhovo-Kobylin, Mr. Fratyu in Uncles by Ivan Vazov and Orgon in Tartuffe by Molière.

Le plus souvent avec

Dimitar Panov
Dimitar Panov
(1 films)
Zako Heskiya
Zako Heskiya
(1 films)
Georgi Rusev
Georgi Rusev
(1 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmographie de Dimitar Manchev (2 films)

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Оркестър без име, 1h52
Réalisé par Lyudmil Kirkov
Genres Comédie
Acteurs Velko Kanev, Dimitar Manchev, Georgi Rusev, Georgi Mamalev
Rôle Mitashki
Note87% 4.388214.388214.388214.388214.38821
Vanya, Velko, Filip, Pavel and Gosho establish a band with a lead singer, Vanya (who is the girlfriend of Filip). They hope to make it to one of the big seaside resorts during the holiday season, as a part of their road to fame and success. For the trip they need HiFi equipment and good friends, high enough to arrange them a prestigious place to play. The beginning is optimistic but it soon becomes clear that everything comes at its price. The director of the House of Culture, where they normally rehears, can provide them with everything they need, but with two conditions. First he wants them to play songs with political charge, something they have always refused to do, just for the sheer principle; second he forces them to change their talented singer and friend Vanya with his beautiful favorite, Reni, who is a mediocre singer. They arrive at the seaside hotel, where they are supposed to perform, with Reni instead of Vanya. Here they realize that their "protector" is everything but influential and he has cheated them. So, without a place to perform and without even a place to sleep, they decide to chance their fortune, traveling along the seacoast and performing wherever they can. Finally they end up in a small bar at the beach.