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Evstati Stratev est un Acteur Bulgare né le 11 février 1934 à Choumen (Bulgarie)

Evstati Stratev

Evstati Stratev
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Nationalité Bulgarie
Naissance 11 février 1934 à Choumen (Bulgarie)
Mort 22 novembre 1984 (à 50 ans) à Sofia (Bulgarie)

Evstati Stratev (Bulgarian: Евстати Стратев) was a Bulgarian stage and film actor born in 1934, deceased in 1984.

He is best known for the colourful supporting characters that he portrayed in the Bulgarian cinema, until his untimely death in 1984, most notably the village school teacher in The Hare Census (1973), the fellow countryman in A Peasant on a Bicycle (1974) and the correspondence student in Villa Zone (1975).

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Filmographie de Evstati Stratev (10 films)

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Щурец в ухото, 1h35
Genres Drame, Comédie
Acteurs Tatyana Lolova, Itzhak Fintzi, Peter Slabakov, Stoyan Gadev, Evstati Stratev
Rôle Evtim's Brother
Note70% 3.513133.513133.513133.513133.51313
Evtim (Popandov) and Pesho (Mavrodiev), two young men, decided to leave their native village and move to the big city. They bring with them big stuff from the home household goods but also their good intentions and uncertainty. Both of them carry some remorses too. Evtim because of the scandal with his older brother and Pesho because of leaving the home with not a notice to his parents. Standing by the road, amid a heap of luggage, they turned to be a colorful view as hitch-hikers to the passing vehicles. But so, the two friends have an opportunity to meet the variety of life. They see generous sympathy but also the selfishness; they see the exciting waves of the true love but also the repulsive duplicity. This meetings, in its own way, form their realization about the substantial milestones in the path of life.
Селянинът с колелото, 1h42
Réalisé par Lyudmil Kirkov
Genres Drame
Acteurs Georgi Georgiev-Getz, Georgi Rusev, Evstati Stratev, Yuriy Yakovlev (Bulgarian actor)
Rôle Zemlyakat
Note76% 3.833553.833553.833553.833553.83355
Born in the small village of Yugla, Yordan (Gets) lives with his family in the nearby town. Filled with homesickness he takes every opportunity, traveling usually by his bicycle, to visit the more and more depopulated village. And that's how, mounted on the bike his life passes between the town and Yugla. During one of the visits to his old home he meets the newly appointed young pharmacist Maglena (Chelebieva). She is accommodated in his country house. Little by little Yordan falls in love with her.
Преброяване на дивите зайци, 1h9
Réalisé par Eduard Zahariev
Genres Comédie
Acteurs Itzhak Fintzi, Nikola Todev, Georgi Rusev, Todor Kolev, Evstati Stratev
Rôle Uchitelyat, the teacher
Note67% 3.384053.384053.384053.384053.38405
The daily routine in the village of Yugla is shaken by the statistician clerk Asenov (Fintzi) who come with a mission to take the census of the hares in the locality. He makes the village mayor Bay Georgi (Todev) mobilize the local men in realization of the absurd task. On the very day all the village men are in the field. The mayor, the teacher, the veterinarian... even an old men join
Кит (1970)
, 1h16
Réalisé par Petar B. Vasilev
Genres Comédie
Acteurs Georgi Kaloyanchev, Dimitar Panov, Grigor Vachkov, Georgi Partsalev, Stoyanka Mutafova, Evstati Stratev
Rôle Nachalnik parahodstvo
Note78% 3.914153.914153.914153.914153.91415
A small fishing ship after an unsuccessful quest for some draught got not more than a single fish on top of everything the smallest one - a sprat. Despite the miserable catch the captain (Vachkov) reports through the transmitter to the superior of the fishing base Petrov (Nikolov). Of course he mentions a bigger species of fish and doesn't particularize the quantity. After months without any production from the enterprise, the superior of the base in his turn reports personally to the big local boss Kalcho Kalchev (Panov). One more time the species are enlarged and even the presence of a considerable shoal is entangled. Sitting to the table the two men have a drink or two of some cognac to celebrate the occasion. They don't stop and decide to specify the catch as a draught of dolphins as more massy kind of sea creature.
Любимец 13, 1h29
Genres Comédie
Acteurs Apostol Karamitev, Georgi Partsalev, Georgi Kaloyanchev, Evstati Stratev
Rôle Member of the Golubov's crew
Note80% 4.029254.029254.029254.029254.02925
They are two brothers… and they are twins. Radoslav is a young and talented soccer player, playing in a team from Varna, while Radosvet is an impossible gambler, chased by the police. Radoslav meets the beautiful Elena on the beach and they fall in love. However, she is from Sofia and soon takes the train home. After a bit of confusion, instead of the address of Elena, Radoslav gets a completely useless piece of paper. Elena seems like a lost dream but he is soon determined to go to Sofia, walk along the streets and find her.