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Konstantin Kotsev est un Acteur Bulgare né le 4 juin 1926 à Istanbul (Turquie)

Konstantin Kotsev

Konstantin Kotsev
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Nationalité Bulgarie
Naissance 4 juin 1926 à Istanbul (Turquie)
Mort 4 aout 2007 (à 81 ans) à Sofia (Bulgarie)

Konstantin Kotsev (Bulgarian: Константин Коцев) was a Bulgarian stage and film actor born in 1926, deceased in 2007.

Kotsev was amid the most popular Bulgarian actors from the last decades of 20th century.
He is best known for his roles in classic Bulgarian films such as The Tied Up Balloon (1967), The Swedish Kings (1968), The white room (1968), Naked Conscience (1971), Toplo / Warmth (1978), Time of Violence (1988), as well as his numerous notable performances on the stage.

Konstantin Kotsev was decorated with the high titles “Honoured Artist” and “People's Artist”.

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Filmographie de Konstantin Kotsev (8 films)

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Vreme na nasilie, 4h48
Réalisé par Ludmil Staikov
Genres Drame, Historique
Acteurs Rousy Chanev, Iossif Surchadzhiev, Anya Angelova Pencheva, Konstantin Kotsev, Velko Kanev, Đoko Rosić
Rôle Karaibrahim's father dyado Galushko
Note89% 4.4883854.4883854.4883854.4883854.488385
Ottoman Empire, 1668. Köprülü Fazıl Ahmed Pasha concentrates his war efforts on the Cretan War, which inspires him to further subdue the Sultan's Christian subjects. One of the targets is Elindenya, a village located in a Rhodope valley where the Christians enjoy a de facto autonomy thanks to the local Muslim overlord Süleyman Agha's rule. A sipahi regiment is dispatched to the valley with the mission of converting the Christian population to Islam, by force if necessary. The extraordinary thing is that the regiment is led by Kara Ibrahim, a devshirme from Elindenya and although Süleyman Agha, feeling that his self-ordained rule is at stake, objects to forced conversions, Kara Ibrahim seems to be in favour of harsh measures against the locals, including his own family.
Топло (1978)
, 1h37
Genres Comédie
Acteurs Konstantin Kotsev, Naum Shopov, Georgi Cherkelov, Todor Kolev, Tatyana Lolova, Grigor Vachkov
Rôle The Retiree Snegov
Note84% 4.231764.231764.231764.231764.23176
The inhabitants of one apartment building want to have central heating. However, with significant effort and strong connections, the Journalist manages to unveil that the turn of their building, to be included in the central heating network, has not yet come. Moreover, it is unclear in how many years it will come. In their despair and after a number of arguments, quarrels and even a bit of shooting, they decide do undertake actions that are considered illegal at that time (see Special notes). They hire contractors to lay the pipes. Three guys show up, the contract is signed and the money is paid in advance. Soon the work begins. With skills and acts provoking severe doubt in their professionalism, the contractors manage to drill holes in all walls and ceilings and then they disappear. Panic and despair strikes the residents. What are they to do now…? A decision is made. They must find the crooks and bring them back to finish what they have started. Finally, it turns out that our three fellows are already in jail. Then, the sufferers strike a bargain with the director of the jail; if he lets the cheats out to finish the job, then there will always be a shift of three people from the inhabitants of the building to take their places in jail. Moreover, such highly educated people like the Journalist and the Academician will give series of lectures to the prisoners, which will help the director to fulfil the cultural plan of the prison for the year.
Le Ballon attaché, 1h38
Réalisé par Binka Zhelyazkova
Genres Drame, Comédie, Fantasy
Acteurs Grigor Vachkov, Georgi Partsalev, Georgi Kaloyanchev, Konstantin Kotsev, Georgi Georgiev-Getz, Konstantin Vasilev Kisimov
Rôle a peasant
Note73% 3.6892753.6892753.6892753.6892753.689275
Pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, un ballon dirigeable militaire apparaît soudainement dans le ciel au-dessus d’un village de montagne bulgare. Étonnés, les villageois décident de le faire descendre mais le ballon s’envole. Les villageois s’arment et suivent le « miracle » mais un groupe d’un autre village fait de même. Petit à petit, une querelle s’installe : à quel village le ballon appartient il ?