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Селянинът с колелото est un film de genre Drame réalisé par Lyudmil Kirkov avec Georgi Georgiev-Getz

Селянинът с колелото (1974)

Селянинът с колелото
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Durée 1h42
Réalisé par
Genres Drame
Note76% 3.833713.833713.833713.833713.83371

A Peasant on a Bicycle (Bulgarian: Селянинът с Колелото / Selyaninat s Koleloto) is a Bulgarian drama film released in 1974, directed by Lyudmil Kirkov, starring Georgi Georgiev - Gets, Diana Chelebieva, Georgi Rusev and Evstati Stratev.


Born in the small village of Yugla, Yordan (Gets) lives with his family in the nearby town. Filled with homesickness he takes every opportunity, traveling usually by his bicycle, to visit the more and more depopulated village. And that's how, mounted on the bike his life passes between the town and Yugla. During one of the visits to his old home he meets the newly appointed young pharmacist Maglena (Chelebieva). She is accommodated in his country house. Little by little Yordan falls in love with her.


Georgi Georgiev-Getz

Georgi Rusev

(Docho Bulgurov)
Evstati Stratev

Yuriy Yakovlev (Bulgarian actor)

(Maglena's father)
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Source : Wikidata


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