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Kosta Tsonev est un Acteur Bulgare né le 10 juin 1929 à Sofia (Bulgarie)

Kosta Tsonev

Kosta Tsonev
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Nationalité Bulgarie
Naissance 10 juin 1929 à Sofia (Bulgarie)
Mort 25 janvier 2012 (à 82 ans) à Sofia (Bulgarie)

Kosta Tsonev (Bulgarian: Коста Цонев; 10 June 1929 – 25 January 2012) was a Bulgarian actor of Greek heritage starring in theatre, TV and cinema. He was born on 10 June 1929 in the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia. He studied at the National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts. He has been married three times: twice to Anahid Tacheva and then to his present wife Elena. He has a son, famed news reader Dimitar Tsonev, and a daughter. His second oldest brother was the late Vasil Tsonev, a dry witted satirist who wrote many books which have been published in several languages. His oldest brother was the late Iwan Tsonev (Iwan Zoneff) who moved to Australia in 1950s where he became one of the biggest property developers in South Australia during the mid 60's showing the diverse talents of the 3 brothers in each of their chosen fields. The father of the three brothers was a simple house painter.
In 2001 Tsonev turned to politics and was elected to the National Assembly of Bulgaria as a representative of the former National Movement Simeon II (now National Movement for Stability and Progress). He was reelected in 2005.

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Filmographie de Kosta Tsonev (5 films)

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Вчера (1988)
, 1h24
Réalisé par Ivan Andonov
Genres Drame
Acteurs Hristo Chopov, Georgi Staykov, Georgi Rusev, Kosta Tsonev
Rôle Vera's father
Note88% 4.4424354.4424354.4424354.4424354.442435
The film tells the story of an elite Bulgarian school where the sons and daughters of high-ranking Communist officials are educated. The main characters are Ivan, his best friend Rostislav, Dana (a newly arrived student), Marina and Kostov. All of them find themselves dealing with their own youthful intrigues against the backdrop of the absurd and oppressive Bulgarian Communist regime; and all too often each one of them finds his/her own individual means of escaping from it all, either through friendship, love, or the occasional derisive remark. The plot is loosely based on the English Language School in Lovech, Bulgaria, where the principal was an ardent Communist infamous for his absurdly strict rules and for setting an army-like atmosphere. At the same time that students are subjected to the bureaucratic babble of their despotic teachers, they are likewise exposed to the exquisite, thought-provoking language of Shakespeare, and the incendiary tunes of The Beatles, for which they are reproached on numerous occasions. The reality of authoritarian rule in Communist Bulgaria, the hollowness of its slogans, and the total disregard for the true values and qualities of the students—it is all beautifully interspersed with moments of genuine loyalty, love, nobility and devotion.
V Poiskakh Kapitana Granta, 7h28
Réalisé par Stanislav Govoroukhine
Genres Aventure
Acteurs Marina Vlady, Boris Khmelnitsky, Kosta Tsonev, Aleksandr Abdulov
Rôle Hetzel
Note82% 4.123574.123574.123574.123574.12357
The film consists of two subplots. The first tells about the life of the writer Jules Verne and the history of creation and publication of the novel In Search of the Castaways. The second actually narrates the novel.
La Piscine
La Piscine (1977)
, 2h28
Réalisé par Binka Zhelyazkova
Genres Drame
Acteurs Kosta Tsonev, Peter Slabakov, Georgi Kaloyanchev
Rôle Apostol
Note72% 3.64743.64743.64743.64743.6474
L'histoire commence par une grave désillusion vécue par une jeune fille lors de son bal d'adieu à la sortie de l'école. Apostol, architecte quadragénaire, rencontre par hasard Bella à une piscine le soir de sa remise de diplômes. L'écart d'âge est important, mais Bella tombe sous le coup de son intelligence, de ses amis, de son style de vie et du respect que tout le monde à pour elle. Boyan est un acteur et imitateur humoristique. Les relations complexes entre les trois personnages oscillent entre amitié et amour et impliquent certains motifs professionnels.
Il pleut sur Santiago, 1h52
Réalisé par Helvio Soto
Origine France
Genres Drame, Thriller
Thèmes Politique, Les dictatures latino-américaines
Acteurs John Abbey, Bibi Andersson, Nicole Calfan, Riccardo Cucciolla, André Dussollier, Bernard Fresson
Note64% 3.239133.239133.239133.239133.23913
Le film met en scène le coup d'État du 11 septembre 1973 au Chili, déclenché par le message codé « il pleut sur Santiago », diffusé à la radio à l'initiative des putschistes, à destination des militaires.