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От нищо нещо est un film de genre Comédie avec Asen Kisimov

От нищо нещо (1979)

От нищо нещо
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Durée 1h33
Genres Comédie
Note77% 3.8703853.8703853.8703853.8703853.870385

Something Out of Nothing (Bulgarian: От нищо нещо / Ot nishto neshto) is a Bulgarian comedy film released in 1979, directed by Nikola Rudarov, starring Asen Kisimov, Stefan Danailov and Aneta Sotirova.

In a comical manner, the movie tells the story how the ridiculous prejudices of the people in the countryside can bring troubles just like that when two different lifestyles are faced to each other. The film perfectly shows the way of life of the typical Bulgarian family in the villages or the small towns from that time.


Asen Kisimov

(the journalist (Pancho' class-fellow))
Stefan Lambov Danailov

Dimitar Panov
Bande annonce de От нищо нещо

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Source : Wikidata


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