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Đoko Rosić est un Acteur Bulgare né le 28 février 1932 à Krupanj (Serbie)

Đoko Rosić

Đoko Rosić
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Nom de naissance Đorđe Rosić
Nationalité Bulgarie
Naissance 28 février 1932 à Krupanj (Serbie)
Mort 21 février 2014 (à 81 ans) à Sofia (Bulgarie)

Đorđe "Đoko" Rosić (Bulgarian: Джоко Росич, Dzhoko Rosich, Serbian: Ђоко Росић; February 28, 1932 – February 21, 2014) was a Serbian Bulgarian actor who was prominent in Serbia and Hungary as well as his home country.

Rosić was born in Krupanj, Kingdom of Yugoslavia (today in western Serbia) to a Serbian father and a Bulgarian mother. At age 19 in 1951, he emigrated to Bulgaria for political reasons. He graduated from what is today the University of National and World Economy in Sofia in 1957. He worked as a Bulgarian National Radio journalist for 17 years, after first being invited to work in radio because of his deep voice. Rosić shot his first film in 1963. From that time until his death in 2014 he appeared in over 110 movies, mostly Bulgarian productions, but also a large number of Hungarian films.
He was married two times. First wife - Zanka Alexandrova. Second wife Liliana Lazarova. His only child is the Bulgarian drama actress Irina Rosic, but he also had a son from his second wife's first marriage - Stoyan Kolev. Rosic has four grand children - Valentin Hristov, Maria Koleva, George Sabev, Plamena Koleva. He also has one great-grandson Branimir Hristov(Branko).

Rosić died on 21 February 2014 from complications after brain tumor surgery. He was 81.

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Source : Wikidata

Filmographie de Đoko Rosić (19 films)

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Zift (2008)
, 1h32
Réalisé par Javor Gardev
Origine Bulgarie
Genres Drame, Thriller, Policier, Humour noir
Acteurs Đoko Rosić, Zachari Baharov
Rôle Priest
Note71% 3.594923.594923.594923.594923.59492
On connaît tous l'histoire du type qui sort de prison après avoir purgé une peine pour un crime qu'il n'a pas commis et qui n'a qu'une envie: se venger. Dans le cas de Moth, les choses sont plus complexes. Ce Bulgare a été incarcéré en 1944 avant le coup d'État communiste et recouvre sa liberté en 1960. Il ne reconnaît plus Sofia, totalitaire, violente, peuplée d'individus louches, ouverte à toutes les bassesses. Un grand film noir (et blanc) !
Basilisk: The Serpent King
Réalisé par Stephen Furst
Genres Science-fiction, Fantasy, Action, Horreur
Acteurs Jeremy London, Cleavant Derricks, Stephen Furst, Yancy Butler, Bashar Rahal, Đoko Rosić
Rôle Elder Berber
Note35% 1.77841.77841.77841.77841.7784
In 20 BC in what is now Libya, the Basilisk, an ancient serpent reputed to be the king of serpents, attacks a Bedouin leader and his sons who make their way to the mountains where it lives. When it kills the leader's sons, it is turned to stone by the "Eye of Medusa", a long golden staff which contains the most beautiful diamond in both the human and the animal worlds. Once it becomes a statue, the Basilisk is then buried by a rockfall.
A rózsa énekei, 1h38
Genres Drame
Thèmes Politique
Acteurs Franco Castellano, Maia Morgenstern, Ildikó Bánsági, Đoko Rosić, Zoltán Gera, Piroska Molnár
Rôle Grandpa
Note60% 3.002883.002883.002883.002883.00288
Autumn 1944. Yellow star, ghettos, Arrow Cross terror. The inhabitants of Hungary's capital, Budapest, await the tragic fulfilment of their fate with helpless resignation. However, above one of the city's villas, once a week in the evening the stars of hope sparkle, if only for a few minutes. This short time gives fresh heart to those hiding here and kindles hope in their tortured souls to live for another day. This mysterious power is none other than a beautiful song that can be heard at such times from the villa's tower room. Géza Halász, the villa's always jovial caretaker, believes no Jew has reason to fear while the owner of the voice, Imre Rose, the world-famous opera singer and a Jew himself, remains in Budapest and does not flee from the country in spite of his American, British, Swiss, Swedish and Vatican connections. Halász visits the singer every Friday to dine with him. After a while the marvellous, hope-inspiring concert starts, which is listened to by the hiding inhabitants of the house with enraptured faces through the villa's open dumb waiter. Already in the "palmy years of peacetime" Rose had competed with Csortos, the famous actor, for the title of "Budapest's Greatest Misanthrope". Thus it does not surprise anybody that the eccentric singer never, not even once, tries to make contact with his fellow Jews who took refuge in his house. And when Halász recounts that the singer swore within an hour of the Arrow Cross's seizing power that he would not utter a single word nor cross the threshold of his tower room until "Andrássy Avenue has been purged of this Arrow Cross scum", even the slightest suspicion about Rose's "invisibility" vanishes. Only a fourteen-year-old boy, Tommy, the caretaker's son, listens to the weekly song with curiosity combined with suspicion, and tries to find out about the secret of the tower room. As a result of the adolescent's persistent and undaunted inquiries, the opera singer's mystery is unveiled. Meanwhile, however, almost unnoticed, the events of the calamitous days, filled with excitement and cheerfulness, turn the boy into a truly adult man. The story of THE SONGS OF RÓZSA is based on true events.
Les Harmonies Werckmeister, 2h25
Réalisé par Béla Tarr, Tommy Wiseau
Origine Hongrie
Genres Drame
Acteurs Hanna Schygulla, Đoko Rosić, János Derzsi, Ferenc Kállai
Rôle Man In Western Boots
Note79% 3.9979453.9979453.9979453.9979453.997945
Dans une petite ville de la plaine hongroise, arrive un sinistre cirque itinérant qui traîne une baleine dans une remorque. Un jeune homme, János, tente de préserver l'ordre dans la ville de plus en plus perturbée, mais en même temps il perd sa foi dans cet univers non naturel et chaotique que Dieu lui-même semble avoir déserté.
Tuvalu (1999)
, 1h41
Réalisé par Veit Helmer
Origine Allemagne
Genres Drame, Science-fiction, Comédie, Comédie romantique, Fantasy, Romance
Acteurs Denis Lavant, Tchoulpan Khamatova, Philippe Clay, Đoko Rosić, Asen Kisimov
Rôle Gustav
Note72% 3.641173.641173.641173.641173.64117
Dans une autre époque, Anton, modeste gardien d’un établissement de bains, rêve de prendre le large en direction de l’île Tuvalu. Un poème onirique et fantastique.
Crisis in the Kremlin
Genres Thriller
Thèmes Politique
Acteurs Robert Rusler, Theodore Bikel, Stefan Lambov Danailov, Đoko Rosić

In the last days of the Soviet Union a Central Intelligence Agency agent is sent to Moscow to keep Mikhail Gorbachev safe from an assassination plot, and teams up with a veteran KGB agent.
Deathstalker IV: Match of Titans, 1h25
Genres Fantasy, Action, Aventure
Acteurs Maria Ford, Anya Angelova Pencheva, Đoko Rosić
Rôle Rakshia
Note37% 1.896541.896541.896541.896541.89654
It began as a contest of strength - a brazen challenge to lure competitors from far away into the main arena of a Queen's castle. Among the warriors stands the champion, Deathstalker, who handily defeats all opponents. Mysteriously, combatants disappear from the castle one by one. Now, in a blood chilling Match of Titans, Deathstalker must defend his fellow warriors, his life and his newfound love against an invincible army of Stone Warriors and the wicked Queen who rules them as master.
Vreme na nasilie, 4h48
Réalisé par Ludmil Staikov
Genres Drame, Historique
Acteurs Rousy Chanev, Iossif Surchadzhiev, Anya Angelova Pencheva, Konstantin Kotsev, Velko Kanev, Đoko Rosić
Rôle Karahasan
Note89% 4.4883854.4883854.4883854.4883854.488385
Ottoman Empire, 1668. Köprülü Fazıl Ahmed Pasha concentrates his war efforts on the Cretan War, which inspires him to further subdue the Sultan's Christian subjects. One of the targets is Elindenya, a village located in a Rhodope valley where the Christians enjoy a de facto autonomy thanks to the local Muslim overlord Süleyman Agha's rule. A sipahi regiment is dispatched to the valley with the mission of converting the Christian population to Islam, by force if necessary. The extraordinary thing is that the regiment is led by Kara Ibrahim, a devshirme from Elindenya and although Süleyman Agha, feeling that his self-ordained rule is at stake, objects to forced conversions, Kara Ibrahim seems to be in favour of harsh measures against the locals, including his own family.
À bride abattue, 1h36
Réalisé par Pál Gábor
Genres Drame, Guerre, Action
Acteurs Ildikó Bánsági, Đoko Rosić, Kelly Reno, John Savage
Note58% 2.90552.90552.90552.90552.9055
Un aviateur américain s'écrase en Hongrie, au cours de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale. Il va déjouer l'ennemi nazi grâce à l'aide de cowboys magyars ...