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Shane Jacobson est un Acteur, Ecrivain et Co-Producer Australien né le 18 mars 1970

Shane Jacobson

Shane Jacobson
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Nationalité Australie
Naissance 18 mars 1970 (54 ans)

Shane Jacobson is an Australian actor, director, writer, and comedian, best known for his performance as the eponymous character Kenny Smyth in the 2006 film Kenny. In 2006, he won the Australian Film Institute's Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role for that performance.

Le plus souvent avec

David Leitch
David Leitch
(2 films)
Jason Gann
Jason Gann
(1 films)
Eve von Bibra
Eve von Bibra
(1 films)
Bob Odenkirk
Bob Odenkirk
(1 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmographie de Shane Jacobson (12 films)

Afficher la filmographie sous forme de liste


Les petites robes noires, 1h49
Réalisé par Bruce Beresford
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Comédie, Comédie dramatique
Acteurs Julia Ormond, Angourie Rice, Rachael Taylor, Ryan Corr, Susie Porter, Shane Jacobson
Rôle Mr. Miles
Note66% 3.3496653.3496653.3496653.3496653.349665
Sidney, 1959. Une jeune lycéenne, Lisa, est engagée, en attendant de rentrer à l'université, comme employée au deuxième étage du grand magasin de haute couture F.G. Goode's. Elle sympathise aussitôt avec ses autres collègues vendeuses. Parmi elles, Fay, qui se méfie des immigrants ; Patty, une épouse délaissée par son mari et Magda, une immigrée de Slovénie devenue cheffe de rayon. Leur routine ennuyeuse est bouleversée par une soirée de Nouvel An chez Magda où elle présente deux beaux Hongrois à Fay et Lisa, qui tombent amoureuses d'eux. Quant à Patty, elle retrouve la passion auprès de son époux et tombe enceinte de lui. Au contact de ces femmes, à la recherche de l'amour ou de l'homme parfait, Lisa ouvre les yeux sur un nouveau monde où elle grandira et deviendra adulte. Mais, désirant réaliser son rêve, elle le quittera pour chercher sa propre voie dans les arts pour devenir actrice, poète ou romancière voire les trois à la fois.
7 Guardians of the Tomb, 1h41
Réalisé par Kimble Rendall
Origine Australie
Genres Action, Aventure, Horreur
Thèmes Mise en scène d'un animal, Film d'horreur avec des animaux, Mise en scène d'une araignée, Monstre géant
Acteurs Li Bingbing (李冰冰), Kellan Lutz, Kelsey Grammer, Stef Dawson, Shane Jacobson, Jason Chong
Rôle Gary
Note44% 2.2266252.2266252.2266252.2266252.226625
En Chine, un groupe de scientifiques découvre la momie d'un empereur chinois datant de 200 avant J.C. dans une tombe se trouvant dans un labyrinthe d'une caverne truffée de pièges mortels. Mais leur découverte libère accidentellement une horde d'araignées mangeuses d'hommes. Pour atteindre la sortie, ils vont devoir lutter contre ses arachnides sanguinaires.
Haute Couture, 1h58
Réalisé par Jocelyn Moorhouse
Origine Australie
Genres Drame, Thriller, Comédie, Policier, Western
Thèmes La mer, La mode, Transport
Acteurs Kate Winslet, Judy Davis, Liam Hemsworth, Hugo Weaving, Caroline Goodall, Sarah Snook
Rôle Alvin Pratt
Note69% 3.4998053.4998053.4998053.4998053.499805
Dans les années 1950, Tilly Dunnage retourne, après 20 ans d'absence, dans son Australie d'origine pour s’occuper de sa mère Molly, seule et malade. Avec sa machine à coudre et son apparence "Haute-couture", cette styliste transforme les femmes de son village et aspire à se venger de tous ceux qui lui ont fait du mal dans le passé.
Opération Pingouins, 1h35
Origine Australie
Genres Aventure
Thèmes Mise en scène d'un animal, Mise en scène d'un oiseau, Mise en scène d'un manchot
Acteurs Shane Jacobson, Sarah Snook, Alan Tudyk, Richard Davies, Terry Camilleri
Rôle Swampy Marsh
Note64% 3.2043253.2043253.2043253.2043253.204325
L'histoire vraie d'un fermier excentrique qui tente, avec l'aide de sa petite fille, d'entraîner son chien Oddball à protéger un enclos de pingouins des attaques de renards. Le malicieux chien permet à la famille de se retrouver et participe à sauver leur petite ville de bord de mer.
My Movie Project, 1h34
Réalisé par Elizabeth Banks, Frères Farrelly, Brett Ratner, Rusty Cundieff, Steven Brill, Griffin Dunne, Bob Odenkirk, Steve Carr, Peter Farrelly, James Gunn
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
Thèmes Sexualité, Erotique
Acteurs Richard Gere, Dennis Quaid, Greg Kinnear, Kate Winslet, Halle Berry, Common
Rôle Bob (deleted segment "The Apprentice")
Note43% 2.153012.153012.153012.153012.15301
Pour des raisons qui n'ont jamais été évoquées ni par les producteurs, ni par les scénaristes, ni par les réalisateurs, il existe deux versions de My Movie Project : la version "américaine", intitulée The Pitch ; et la version "européenne", The Thread, sortie au Royaume-Uni et aux Pays-Bas. Seule la trame narrative est différente, les courts-métrages qui composent la majeure partie du film restent inchangés dans leur composition comme dans leur ordre.
Jason Bourne : l’héritage, 2h15
Réalisé par Tony Gilroy
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Thriller, Action, Espionnage
Thèmes Espionnage, Sport, Transport, Aviation, Arts martiaux, Road movie, Mise en scène d'un robot
Acteurs Jeremy Lee Renner, Edward Norton, Rachel Weisz, Joan Allen, David Strathairn, Albert Finney
Rôle Mackie
Note65% 3.2967353.2967353.2967353.2967353.296735
Le programme Treadstone dont Jason Bourne était le cobaye n’était que la partie émergée d’une vaste conspiration, mise en œuvre par plusieurs branches du gouvernement et concernant plusieurs agences de renseignement, programmes militaires et laboratoires secrets.
L'apprenti Père Noël, 1h20
Origine France
Genres Comédie, Animation
Thèmes Noël, Père Noël
Acteurs Max Cullen, Benoît Allemane, Shane Jacobson, Bruno Salomone, Hugh Sheridan, Didier Brice
Rôle Santa
Note62% 3.143013.143013.143013.143013.14301
Le Père Noël ne veut pas prendre sa retraite, mais le règlement est formel : il doit se choisir un apprenti qui le remplacera. Sélectionné parmi des millions d'enfants, l'heureux élu devra s'appeler Nicolas, être orphelin et avoir le cœur pur. De l'autre côté de la Terre, un petit garçon répond parfaitement à ces critères, mais son manque de confiance en lui et son vertige en font un piètre candidat. Le Père Noël acceptera-t-il l'idée de passer la main et aider son apprenti à prendre sa place ?
Charlie and Boots, 1h41
Genres Drame, Comédie
Thèmes La mer, Transport, Road movie
Acteurs Paul Hogan, Shane Jacobson, Roy Billing, Morgan Griffin, Morgan Griffin
Rôle Boots McFarland
Note63% 3.1980253.1980253.1980253.1980253.198025
L'histoire suit un père et son fils qui voyagent de l'État de Victoria, dans le sud-est de l'Australie, à la péninsule du Cap York afin de satisfaire leur rêve de toujours : atteindre l'extrême nord de l'Australie.
Les Dieux de la Vague, 1h47
Origine Australie
Genres Drame, Romance
Thèmes La mer, Sexualité, Sport, Transport, Homosexualité, Surf, LGBT, LGBT
Acteurs Lachlan Buchanan, Xavier Samuel, Reshad Strik, Shane Jacobson, Joy Smithers, Gigi Edgley
Rôle Reggie
Note59% 2.9934052.9934052.9934052.9934052.993405
Le film raconte l'histoire de Jesse, dix-sept ans, jeune surfeur australien dont le rêve est d'égaler son frère aîné Victor, ancien champion de surf. L'action se concentre autour d'un week-end de surf sur une plage isolée. Lorsqu'apparaît Victor, l'ambiance change totalement et devient plus compétitive. Andy est gravement blessé dans un accident, tandis que Victor est tué. Après les obsèques, Fergus et Jesse contemplent les étoiles dans la nuit, plus tard Jesse participe à une compétition junior de surf.
Cactus (2008)
, 1h25
Genres Thriller
Thèmes La mer, Transport, Road movie
Acteurs Bryan Brown, Shane Jacobson, Daniel Krige, David Lyons, Celia Ireland, Craig Bartlett
Rôle Thommo
Note57% 2.852282.852282.852282.852282.85228
Cactus is a road movie centred on a kidnapping. Plot The movie begins with John Kelly pulling Eli Jones (David Lyons) from his city residence, drugging him and driving across regional Australia for three days. On the journey, John and Eli begin to interact and talk, as well as having a run-in with a rogue cop and encountering "Thommo", a trucker.
Kenny (2006)
, 1h44
Réalisé par Clayton Jacobson
Genres Comédie
Acteurs Shane Jacobson, Eve von Bibra, Clayton Jacobson, Jason Gann, Nash Edgerton
Rôle Kenny Smyth
Note71% 3.594883.594883.594883.594883.59488
Kenny is a mockumentary that follows the fictional Kenny through his daily life. His work and his personal relationships are explored as Kenny goes about his day-to-day activities and speaks directly to the camera and his audience. Kenny provides a most basic service to the community: portable toilets. The audience sees Kenny interviewing potential clients and involved in major public events. It is important to Kenny to know the kind of food and drink to be served at these events as this will determine the level of service he provides. Never ashamed of his job, despite the disparagement of some (including his own family), Kenny regards himself as a professional. Even at the most prestigious events for which he caters, Kenny realises that the most glamorous will need his portable toilets. He sees life in all of its complexities through the need of his services. Kenny takes his son Jesse to visit his father, but is hampered by his ex-wife's uncooperativeness and his father's bitterness. When Kenny travels to Nashville to attend a toilet convention, he is thrilled to travel outside his native Melbourne. His ingenuousness, friendship and commitment to his profession opens business opportunities in Japan and the potential for a new relationship with Jackie, a flight attendant, but he must return home prematurely when his father suffers a medical emergency. In an attempt at bonding, Kenny and his father and his wealthy brother David go camping. After half a day, David leaves in disdain, to which Kenny tries to defend prompting his father to tell Kenny to step out of his brothers shadow and stick up for himself, a conversation with his father back in the tent prompts Kenny to consider his life. He reveals that his success in Nashville has led to the offer of a promotion, and though his father urges him to accept, Kenny is unsure. When Kenny's ex-wife unexpectedly leaves him with Jesse on the day of the Melbourne Cup, his busiest day of the year, Kenny finds Jesse to be an able and cheerful assistant. However, prejudice against his work again appears, with customers complaining that a child should not be made to clean toilets, and Kenny remands Jesse to the office. When he returns to find Jesse gone, Kenny searches the venue in a panic and eventually finds Jesse at the toilets, wanting to help again. That night, as he is about to drive away in his septic tank truck after a long and exhausting day, Kenny's way is blocked by a luxury car whose driver insensitively brushes off his requests to move. Kenny eventually breaks habit to fill the mans car with human waste, a suggestion that perhaps Kenny has decided to stick up for himself a little bit more. Finally, Kenny declines the opportunity to become an executive and seeks out Jackie to renew their relationship.


Kenny (2006)
, 1h44
Réalisé par Clayton Jacobson
Genres Comédie
Acteurs Shane Jacobson, Eve von Bibra, Clayton Jacobson, Jason Gann, Nash Edgerton
Rôle Ecrivain
Note71% 3.594883.594883.594883.594883.59488
Kenny is a mockumentary that follows the fictional Kenny through his daily life. His work and his personal relationships are explored as Kenny goes about his day-to-day activities and speaks directly to the camera and his audience. Kenny provides a most basic service to the community: portable toilets. The audience sees Kenny interviewing potential clients and involved in major public events. It is important to Kenny to know the kind of food and drink to be served at these events as this will determine the level of service he provides. Never ashamed of his job, despite the disparagement of some (including his own family), Kenny regards himself as a professional. Even at the most prestigious events for which he caters, Kenny realises that the most glamorous will need his portable toilets. He sees life in all of its complexities through the need of his services. Kenny takes his son Jesse to visit his father, but is hampered by his ex-wife's uncooperativeness and his father's bitterness. When Kenny travels to Nashville to attend a toilet convention, he is thrilled to travel outside his native Melbourne. His ingenuousness, friendship and commitment to his profession opens business opportunities in Japan and the potential for a new relationship with Jackie, a flight attendant, but he must return home prematurely when his father suffers a medical emergency. In an attempt at bonding, Kenny and his father and his wealthy brother David go camping. After half a day, David leaves in disdain, to which Kenny tries to defend prompting his father to tell Kenny to step out of his brothers shadow and stick up for himself, a conversation with his father back in the tent prompts Kenny to consider his life. He reveals that his success in Nashville has led to the offer of a promotion, and though his father urges him to accept, Kenny is unsure. When Kenny's ex-wife unexpectedly leaves him with Jesse on the day of the Melbourne Cup, his busiest day of the year, Kenny finds Jesse to be an able and cheerful assistant. However, prejudice against his work again appears, with customers complaining that a child should not be made to clean toilets, and Kenny remands Jesse to the office. When he returns to find Jesse gone, Kenny searches the venue in a panic and eventually finds Jesse at the toilets, wanting to help again. That night, as he is about to drive away in his septic tank truck after a long and exhausting day, Kenny's way is blocked by a luxury car whose driver insensitively brushes off his requests to move. Kenny eventually breaks habit to fill the mans car with human waste, a suggestion that perhaps Kenny has decided to stick up for himself a little bit more. Finally, Kenny declines the opportunity to become an executive and seeks out Jackie to renew their relationship.


Kenny (2006)
, 1h44
Réalisé par Clayton Jacobson
Genres Comédie
Acteurs Shane Jacobson, Eve von Bibra, Clayton Jacobson, Jason Gann, Nash Edgerton
Rôle Co-Producer
Note71% 3.594883.594883.594883.594883.59488
Kenny is a mockumentary that follows the fictional Kenny through his daily life. His work and his personal relationships are explored as Kenny goes about his day-to-day activities and speaks directly to the camera and his audience. Kenny provides a most basic service to the community: portable toilets. The audience sees Kenny interviewing potential clients and involved in major public events. It is important to Kenny to know the kind of food and drink to be served at these events as this will determine the level of service he provides. Never ashamed of his job, despite the disparagement of some (including his own family), Kenny regards himself as a professional. Even at the most prestigious events for which he caters, Kenny realises that the most glamorous will need his portable toilets. He sees life in all of its complexities through the need of his services. Kenny takes his son Jesse to visit his father, but is hampered by his ex-wife's uncooperativeness and his father's bitterness. When Kenny travels to Nashville to attend a toilet convention, he is thrilled to travel outside his native Melbourne. His ingenuousness, friendship and commitment to his profession opens business opportunities in Japan and the potential for a new relationship with Jackie, a flight attendant, but he must return home prematurely when his father suffers a medical emergency. In an attempt at bonding, Kenny and his father and his wealthy brother David go camping. After half a day, David leaves in disdain, to which Kenny tries to defend prompting his father to tell Kenny to step out of his brothers shadow and stick up for himself, a conversation with his father back in the tent prompts Kenny to consider his life. He reveals that his success in Nashville has led to the offer of a promotion, and though his father urges him to accept, Kenny is unsure. When Kenny's ex-wife unexpectedly leaves him with Jesse on the day of the Melbourne Cup, his busiest day of the year, Kenny finds Jesse to be an able and cheerful assistant. However, prejudice against his work again appears, with customers complaining that a child should not be made to clean toilets, and Kenny remands Jesse to the office. When he returns to find Jesse gone, Kenny searches the venue in a panic and eventually finds Jesse at the toilets, wanting to help again. That night, as he is about to drive away in his septic tank truck after a long and exhausting day, Kenny's way is blocked by a luxury car whose driver insensitively brushes off his requests to move. Kenny eventually breaks habit to fill the mans car with human waste, a suggestion that perhaps Kenny has decided to stick up for himself a little bit more. Finally, Kenny declines the opportunity to become an executive and seeks out Jackie to renew their relationship.