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Robert Costanzo est un Acteur et Réalisateur Américain né le 20 octobre 1942 à Brooklyn (Etats-Unis)

Robert Costanzo

Robert Costanzo
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Nom de naissance Robert Jason Costanzo
Nationalité Etats-Unis
Naissance 20 octobre 1942 (82 ans) à Brooklyn (Etats-Unis)

Robert Jason Costanzo (born November 20, 1942) is an American actor. He has an acting career spanning over thirty years and is often found playing surly New York types such as crooks, low level workers and policemen, and mixes both drama and comedy roles. Costanzo is also a prominent voice actor, and often serves as a voice double for fellow actor Danny DeVito.

Le plus souvent avec

Rob Reiner
Rob Reiner
(4 films)
Leo Rossi
Leo Rossi
(4 films)
Robert Vince
Robert Vince
(4 films)
Billy Crystal
Billy Crystal
(2 films)
Alan Burnett
Alan Burnett
(3 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmographie de Robert Costanzo (65 films)

Afficher la filmographie sous forme de liste


A Way Out
A Way Out (2014)
, 33minutes
Genres Drame, Thriller, Policier
Thèmes Religion, Politique, Religion juive
Acteurs Robert Costanzo
Rôle Vick
Note73% 3.654423.654423.654423.654423.65442
The story takes place in Eastern Europe in late 1941. Edith (Elina Amromina) is a Jewish opera diva that has been hidden away from the Nazis by Gustav (Alexander Alexeyev), who puts her in the theater's cellar during the occupation. Despite his reassurances that she will not be found, Edith knows that Gustav's help puts his own life at risk and decides that she must leave the theater to avoid this. Gustav tries to convince her that there must be a different option, but Edith is too terrified to listen and tries to escape. She's brought back by Gustav but is unfortunately seen by Nazis in the process. The Nazi commandant (Artur Kharitonenko) storms into the theater and demands that Gustav hands over Edith or he will be killed. Viewing all of this from a corner of the theater, Edith decides that she must leave for the commandant's office and surrender. Aware that this is her intention, Gustav tries to intercept her and in the process witnesses a murder of someone that he believes to be Edith. However unbeknownst to him this was not Edith, who instead locked herself in the cellar while she tries to find another way out. The next day she decides to go to the commandant's office and save Gustav's life. As the theater is completely cordoned off she sees only one way out.
Goat (2013)
, 1h56
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Action, Policier
Acteurs Ice-T, Ja Rule, Vincent Pastore, Tony Darrow, Cathy Moriarty, Robert Costanzo
Rôle Lenny Leone
Note38% 1.9244951.9244951.9244951.9244951.924495
Bobby Baldano, (William DeMeo) is the black sheep of his family. When he gets out of prison after serving a five year sentence, his Father, (Armand Assante) has high hopes of a fresh start for him and coming to work at Joseph Baldano & Sons Contracting, the legitimate and thriving multi-generational family business Bobby's grandfather built up from nothing. But Bobby's a mob connected street thug who gets caught back up in a life of inescapable crime. He has two families - one supportive and loving, the other dangerous and deadly. He must decide between the two families and once he does truths are revealed that Bobby always knew but was too blind to see and too afraid to face.
Foodfight! (2012)
, 1h27
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Guerre, Comédie, Action, Aventure, Horreur, Animation
Acteurs Charlie Sheen, Eva Longoria, Hilary Duff, Wayne Brady, Robert Costanzo, Larry Miller
Rôle Maximilius Moose (voice) (as Bobby Constanza)
Note13% 0.656960.656960.656960.656960.65696
Foodfight! takes place in the "Marketropolis" supermarket. After closing time, the supermarket transforms into a city in which all the citizens are personified well-known marketing icons, A.K.A. "Ikes". The story opens with the protagonist Dex Dogtective (Sheen) saving kittens before he tells his friend, Daredevil Dan (Brady), that he is about to ask his girlfriend Sunshine Goodness (Duff) to marry him. However, Dan attempts to draw a picture of Dex proposing but crashes and Sunshine goes to assist Dan before Dex can propose. Dan returns, but has no idea of what happened to Sunshine.
Un seul deviendra invincible 3 : Rédemption, 1h36
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Thriller, Art martial, Action, Policier, Wuxiapian
Thèmes La prison, Sport, Arts martiaux
Acteurs Scott Adkins, Mykel Shannon Jenkins, Hristo Chopov, Mark Ivanir, Marko Zaror, Lateef Crowder
Rôle Farnatti
Note74% 3.7010953.7010953.7010953.7010953.701095
Huit combattants d’élite, provenant tous de prisons de pays différents, sont réunis dans une même prison par un mystérieux syndicat qui organise in tournoi de combats clandestins avec à la clé : la liberté pour le vainqueur et des millions de dollars aux organisateurs. Blessé physiquement et moralement par son dernier combat, Boyka va tout faire pour pouvoir participer à tournoi. Il va débarquer dans cet enfer et il devra montrer tous ses talents pour conquérir sa liberté et prouver qu'il est le combattant le plus complet au monde …
Judy Moody et son été pas raté, 1h31
Réalisé par John Schultz
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
Thèmes Films pour enfants
Acteurs Jordana Beatty, Heather Graham, Parris Mosteller, Janet Varney, Jaleel White, Preston Bailey
Rôle Herb
Note44% 2.2229452.2229452.2229452.2229452.222945
Quand Judy, une jeune fille pétillante à l'imagination fertile, apprend que ses deux meilleurs amis, Rocky et Amy, ainsi que ses parents passeront l'été loin d'elle, tout son petit monde s'écroule. Alors qu'elle avait hâte de passer un été parfait, elle est persuadée qu'elle passera les vacances les plus ennuyantes qui soient. Toutefois, l'arrivée de son excentrique tante Opal changera la donne et lui permettra de vivre toutes sortes d'aventures fabuleuses. Judy, qui trouvait son petit frère complètement idiot de croire à l'existence d'un Bigfoot dans son quartier, se surprendra même à participer à une course folle pour attraper le rare spécimen.
Sky Kids
Sky Kids (2008)

Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Action, Aventure
Thèmes Mafia, Transport, Aviation, Gangsters
Acteurs Jesse James, Reiley McClendon, Stephen Baldwin, Tom Sizemore, Jesse Plemons, J. Todd Adams
Rôle Carmine
Note68% 3.4143853.4143853.4143853.4143853.414385
Jason et Kyle, deux amis inséparables, explorent un aérodrome lorsqu'un avion attire leur attention. Ils montent à bord et se retrouvent contraints de se cacher dans le compartiment à bagages lorsque deux hommes surgissent et décollent. Un vol qui va tourner au cauchemar lorsque les deux jeunes gens découvrent la présence d'une bombe dans la soute et l'absence de commandant dans la cabine de pilotage. Ils arrivent à faire atterrir l'avion mais leurs problèmes ne font que commencer....
The Big Shot-Caller, 1h30
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie dramatique
Acteurs Robert Costanzo, Natasha Williams
Rôle Rudy
Note56% 2.8393852.8393852.8393852.8393852.839385
Jamie Lessor's life is a bit out of focus. His childhood dream was to be a Salsa dancer, but his rare eye condition made that dream seem impossible. His best friend and big sister, Lianne, ran away from home when he was a boy and left him to be raised by his grumpy poker-playing father. Working as an shy, friendless accountant in Manhattan, Jamie is beginning to wonder if true happiness is out of his reach. That is, until he meets Elissa who brings him to life. Blinded by love, he can't see that it's a mismatch from the start. When she suddenly stops communicating with him, Jamie finds himself heartbroken and alone again. After ten years of separation, he reluctantly calls Lianne for advice. But Lianne has her own problems and reminds Jamie that, in life, "God is the big shot-caller" and maybe God is trying to tell Jamie to love himself first. Lianne pushes Jamie to come to terms with his fears and to begin the search for himself. He ultimately finds himself, and love, on the dance floor.
Urban Decay
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Horreur
Thèmes Maladie, Zombie, Épidémie, Film catastrophe
Acteurs Dean Cain, Brooke Burns, Meat Loaf, Chris Williams, Tim Thomerson, Roark Critchlow
Rôle Fetz
Note50% 2.537642.537642.537642.537642.53764
Cab driver Stan slams into a homeless man who gets up and walks away, leaving behind a scarf covered with writhing maggots. Obsessed with the mystery, Stan hunts the ragtag figure through the city, discovering a trail of mangled, half-eaten victims, and an urban legend: Puss Head was a sewer worker who came back from an uncharted tunnel changed into something both living and dead. Parents warn their children that the shuffling zombie will get them if they stay out on the streets too late. But as the body count rises, Stan finds that the legend is alive and hungry.
In the Mix
In the Mix (2005)
, 1h35
Réalisé par Ron Underwood
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Comédie, Comédie dramatique, Action, Musical, Policier, Romance
Thèmes Mafia, Gangsters
Acteurs Usher, Emmanuelle Chriqui, Chazz Palminteri, Robert Davi, Kevin Hart, Robert Costanzo
Rôle Fat Tony
Note30% 1.5498051.5498051.5498051.5498051.549805
Le DJ new-yorkais Darrell sauve la vie de Frank, lors de la fête d'anniversaire de la fille de ce dernier, Dolly, étudiante en droit.
Down and Derby, 1h30
Réalisé par Eric Hendershot
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
Thèmes Religion
Acteurs Greg Germann, Lauren Holly, Adam Hicks, Pat Morita, Perry Anzilotti, Joey Miyashima
Rôle Claude
Note56% 2.803942.803942.803942.803942.80394
As a child, Phil Davis (Greg Germann) was able to outrun, outjump and outhit anyone in his class, until a kid from California, Ace Montana (Marc Raymond), moved into town. Ever since then, Ace has been number one and Phil number two. Even in the cul-de-sac where the four childhood friends and rivals (Montana, Davis, Blaine Moosman (Ross Brockley) and "Big Jimmy" Scaldoni (Perry Anzilotti)) live, the Montana's mailbox is #1, and the Davis' mailbox is #2. After a basketball game where Phil's son's team loses to Ace's son's team, Phil realizes that the Davis family's second-place status has passed on to the next generation.
Helter Skelter, 2h17
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Action, Policier
Thèmes Assassinat, Tueur en série
Acteurs Jeremy Davies, Clea DuVall, Allison Smith, Eric Dane, Marguerite Moreau, Bruno Kirby
Rôle Leno LaBianca
Note63% 3.1951253.1951253.1951253.1951253.195125
Le déroulement de l'action se situe en 1969, à Los Angeles, et retrace le parcours macabre de la « famille Manson », secte dirigée par le gourou Charles Manson. Il relate notamment les évènements de la nuit du 9 août 1969, ou 4 membres de la famille Manson pénètre dans une villa de luxe près de Benedict Canyon et y assassinèrent toutes les personnes présentes, y compris Sharon Tate, actrice et femme de Roman Polanski.
Carolina (2003)
, 1h36
Réalisé par Marleen Gorris
Origine Allemagne
Genres Drame, Comédie, Comédie romantique, Romance
Acteurs Julia Stiles, Shirley MacLaine, Alessandro Nivola, Mika Sue Boorem, Randy Quaid, Jennifer Coolidge
Note60% 3.0471553.0471553.0471553.0471553.047155
Désireuse de mener une « vie normale », la jeune Carolina (une vingtaine d’années) tente d’échapper à l’emprise de son excentrique famille, notamment à celle de son extravagante grand-mère Millicent…
Batman: La Mystérieuse Batwoman, 1h15
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Science-fiction, Fantasy, Action, Aventure, Policier, Animation, Romance
Thèmes L'enfance, Batman, Super-héros, Super-héros inspiré de comics
Acteurs Kevin Conroy, Kimberly Brooks, Kelly Ripa, Elisa Gabrielli, Kyra Sedgwick, David Ogden Stiers
Rôle Harvey Bullock
Note66% 3.347893.347893.347893.347893.34789
Batman doit composer avec plusieurs de ses anciens ennemis. Cependant, une nouvelle présence nocturne vient brouiller les pistes. Batwoman, émule féminine de Batman vient compliquer le travail du Chevalier noir de Gotham City.