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Agnisnaan est un film de genre Drame réalisé par Bhabendra Nath Saikia avec Moloya Goswami

Agnisnaan (1985)

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Durée 2h52
Réalisé par
Genres Drame
Note70% 3.5158653.5158653.5158653.5158653.515865

Agnisnaan (Assamese: অগ্নিস্নান) is a 1985 Assamese language film directed by Bhabendra Nath Saikia. The film is based on Saikia's novel titled Antareep. The film starred Indra Bania, Kashmiri Barua, Chetana Das, Ashok Deka, Moloya Goswami, Arjun Guha Thakuria, Arun Nath and Biju Phukan.


The story revolves around a wealthy businessman who opts for a second marriage. This decision creates a huge shock and anger for his first wife and his son. It is a story on human psychology along with an off beat story line.How his first wife feels cheated in her unquestionable love and dedication to him and how she takes revenge is the basis of the story.


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