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Les films ayant le thème "Le terrorisme", triés par note

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Hoomale (1998)
, 2h25
Réalisé par Nagathihalli Chandrashekhar
Thèmes Le terrorisme
Acteurs Ramesh Aravind, Suman Nagarkar, H. G. Dattatreya, B.V. Radha

It is a love story in the backdrop of terrorism set in Assam.
Dawn at Midnight, 1h15
Origine Etats-Unis
Thèmes Le terrorisme, Documentaire sur le droit, Documentaire sur la guerre, Documentaire historique, Documentaire sur la politique, Documentaire sur le terrorisme, Politique

Between 1982-1992, during Lebanon’s civil war, 96 foreign hostages of 21 national origins—mostly American and western European—were kidnapped in Lebanon. While most were released, at least 9 were murdered or died in captivity. After many failed attempts by various groups or governments to free the hostages, the U.N., Iran and Israel finally came to the negotiating table to free the remaining hostages.
Cysgod Rhyfel
Origine Royaume-uni
Genres Documentaire
Thèmes Maladie, La mer, Le terrorisme, Transport, Documentaire sur la guerre, Documentaire historique, Documentaire sur la santé, Folie, Le handicap, Politique

After active service in Northern Ireland, the Falklands, Iraq and Afghanistan four veterans openly discuss their experiences of conflict and the psychological effects of war on their lives beyond the battlefield and how they live life after their wars and once they return home. The film uses a mixture of talking head testimony, archive and highly stylised dramatic sequences.
Sisters in Arms
Thèmes Le terrorisme, Documentaire sur la guerre, Documentaire historique, Politique

The film follows the experiences of three members of the Canadian military: Katie Hodges, an infantry soldier, Corporal Tamar Freeman, a medical professional, and Master Corporal Kimberly Ashton, a combat engineer. Revealing details of life on the front lines in Afghanistan, the film combines video diaries and recorded phone calls made by the soldiers with interviews by Freeman.
Ce soir-là et les jours d'après, 1h30
Réalisé par Marion Laine
Origine France
Genres Drame
Thèmes Le terrorisme
Acteurs Sandrine Bonnaire, Simon Abkarian, Naidra Ayadi, Juliette Lamboley

Le 13 novembre 2015, pendant les attentats du 13 novembre 2015 en France, une femme habitant près du Bataclan et un homme qui passait dans la rue vont porter secours aux victimes de cet effroyable attentat. Les jours qui suivent cette tragique soirée, les rescapés vont chercher à se revoir.