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Les films ayant le genre "Romance", triés par recette

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Kiss Me
Kiss Me (2015)

Réalisé par Jeff Probst
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Romance
Acteurs Emily Osment, Sarah Bolger, Missi Pyle, Jenna Fischer, John Corbett, Rita Wilson

The movie features two 15-year-old girls, Zoe (Sarah Bolger) and Shelby (Emily Osment). Zoe is diagnosed with scoliosis and has to wear a brace for a few years, which will lead to problems in her life. She is attracted to an older man, photographer Chance (John Corbett). Shelby, on the other hand, has problems at home. Her father is an alcoholic and is abusive towards her and her mother. Shelby and Zoe cross paths at school, and, through the physical and emotional growing pains in their lives, they test the limits of their relationship and start a friendship that will change their lives forever. When Shelby's mom finds out, everything explodes.
Retta Vaalu
Genres Drame, Comédie, Romance
Acteurs Akhil Farook, Saranya Nag, Kovai Sarala, Thambi Ramaiah, Sona Heiden

The film revolves around the love between the thief Sekar and village girl Anjali. Anjali falls in love with Sekar who is a thief hiding in their village and working in farm fields.One day Anjali and her parents get to know that he is a thief. Still loving Anjali elopes with him without listening her parents advice.Sekar's parents also didn't allow him to enter the house. Sekar gets help from his thief friends.Meanwhile his parents makes arrangements for his marriage with Anjali. Night before marriage his friends makes him to drink a lot and sold Anjali for money.Police catches Sekar. He escapes and finds the place where Anjali was sold and kills the women who does the flesh business there. Meanwhile Anjali was sent in car.People who drives the car gets to know about the death of that women through phone and tries to kill Anjali and throws her out of car. Hospitalized Anjali was killed by her father who fears of media attention as the media is waiting for her to get to know more details about the flesh business as she too one among the person who was kept there by the killed women.
Sakalakala Vallavan
Réalisé par Suraj
Genres Drame, Comédie, Romance
Acteurs Jayam Ravi, Trisha Krishnan, Anjali, Prabhu, Soori, Vivek

Shakthi(Jayam Ravi) and Chinnasamy(Soori) are family enemies who fight over an election. During that time, Shakthi falls in love with Anjali, whom he later discovers is his enemies cousin. When their love rapidly heats up, Shakthi is forced to marry Divya(Trisha), a city girl. Before starting a life together, Divya tells Shakthi, they must get to know each other, but every time Shakthi tries to do something good, it ends bad. This leads them on a plan for divorce. In exchange, Shakthi tells Divya to agree and stay for a month with his parents so they won't get hurt over the fact that they made Shakthi marry someone who doesn't even like him. To make this worse, Shakthi's father gets Divya to stand for the female election to which she quietly agrees. When she loses in the family generation winning election, Shakthi's father angrily hits him. . That's when Shakthi reveals how he lost in love and life. Seeing how much he loves and respects his family and how his life has been, Divya slowly starts to like her husband. At the end Divya and Shakthi happily live together while they argue over little things; making their life filled with love.
Mountain Cry, 1h47
Genres Drame, Action, Romance

Les membres d’une communauté très soudée d’un village de montagne éloigné cherchent à comprendre le passé d’une femme muette, à la suite du décès accidentel de son mari. Elle est tombée amoureuse du meurtrier de ce dernier. Pour être béni, cet amour interdit a besoin de sa voix pour être entendu.
Lost in Florence
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Aventure, Romance
Acteurs Brett Dalton, Stana Katic, Alessandra Mastronardi, Andrea Rivera, Emily Atack

Eric Lazard (Dalton) is a heartbroken former college football star who gets in over his head with a dangerous Florentine sport and an alluring local woman, Stephanie (Mastronardi), whilst visiting Anna (Katic), his cousin, who lives in Italy and teaches the Italian language to foreigners.
A Novel Romance
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Comédie, Romance
Acteurs Steve Guttenberg, Shannon Elizabeth, Milena Govich, Matthew Del Negro, Natalya Rudakova, Jeff Ross

After making a name for himself in the advertising world, Nate Shepard is fired for being out of touch with the times and technology. Out at a restaurant, where he is to meet up with his girlfriend Adi and another couple, drinking his woes away at the bar, Nate meets the instantly desirable Jenny. They connect wonderfully and soon discover that they are actually waiting for each other. When their other halves arrive, (Adi and Buddy) it seems as though they bring out the worst in Nate and Jenny. Dinner is uncomfortable and after dinner is even more uncomfortable, especially when Adi breaks up with Nate. The reason being money and his lost job. Meanwhile, Jenny is leaving town for a wedding and Buddy refuses to go with her so he can stay behind and party with his best friend who is coming to town, LA hipster Sam Steele. Together, Buddy and Sam party, find girls, and consume an enormous amount of drugs. The next day we find out that Buddy has overdosed. He has died. And a strange girl called 911, we don't know who. Jenny is in shock. Nate attends the memorial and once again, Nate and jenny connect. Jenny soon realises she needs to be out of the apartment she shared with her deceased boyfriend, and in a round about way, she finds herself at Nate's Brooklyn loft to see if a roommate situation might ease her mind. As Nate and Jenny start to co-mingle their lives, everything gets a new perspective. Nate's budding career as a novelist gains traction, and Jenny begins her journey to get over Buddy. But chaos is always right around the corner. What are the hurdles Nate has to jump over to further his dreams? Who was that girl who called the ambulance for Buddy? Is life really better with Jenny around? Who knows where the journey might lead, but maybe that is the point of the journey.
Hôtel Singapura, 1h30
Réalisé par Eric Khoo
Origine Singapour
Genres Drame, Comédie, Drame romantique, Romance
Thèmes Sexualité, Erotique, Prostitution, Politique, Thriller érotique, LGBT
Acteurs Josie Ho, George Young, Choi Woo-shik, Kim Kkobbi

À partir des années 60, la chambre est hantée par le fantôme d'un auteur de chansons qui y est mort d'une overdose volontaire après avoir terminé son dernier texte consacré à une employée débutante de l'hôtel et fan de ses chansons. Cette jeune femme, Imrah, lui avait demandé quelques heures avant s'il avait besoin de quelque chose alors qu'il était sorti de la chambre où les membres du groupe s'ébattaient avec des groupies ou des prostituées. C'est elle qui recueille son carnet de notes au moment de remettre la chambre en ordre. Elle y découvre le texte qu'elle a inspiré et il va illuminer sa journée à chaque fois qu'elle reviendra faire cette chambre.