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The Beirut Apt (2007)

The Beirut Apt
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Durée 50minutes

The Beirut Apt is a 2007 joint Italian / British GBLT documentary directed by Daniele Salaris and produced by Gavin Hallier and co-produced by Popular Production and distributed by Malastrada Film about Lebanese gays and lesbians and comprises interviews and testimonials of their experiences conducted in a Beirut apartment, thus the title of the documentary.

An official soundtrack was released. The documentary was an official selection of 22nd London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival, as well as the 23rd Turin International Lesbian & Gay Film Festival.


200px It shows Lebanese gays and lesbians passing through the conflict of sexual, religious and social identity, the war against Israel and the "Article 534" of the Lebanese Penal Code that forbids "indecent acts". Main characters featured are Youssef, dancer, Maha, a psychotherapist, Rachid, a shopworker and Faisal, a Palestinian origin Reike healer.

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Bluray, DVD

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Source : Wikidata


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