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Fire on the Mountain est un film américain de genre Documentaire

Fire on the Mountain (1996)

Fire on the Mountain
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Fire on the Mountain is a 1996 documentary about the 10th Mountain Division during World War II. The film follows the division from its training at Camp Hale in Colorado through its campaign in Italy. The end of the film shows the careers of 10th Mountain Division veterans, who were involved in starting the ski industry in Colorado. The film includes interviews of several of these veterans, including environmentalist David Brower.
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Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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The film opens with a title card outlining the story of Lidice. It then moves on to an image of the stream running through the village of Cwmgiedd (half a mile from Ystradgynlais in west Wales), and an eight-minute opening sequence interspersed with images and sounds of everyday life in a community in the Upper Swansea Valley; men are shown working at the colliery, women engaged in domestic tasks in their homes and the inhabitants singing in the Methodist chapel. Most of the dialogue in this section is spoken in Welsh, with no subtitles provided. The section closes with another title card stating "such is life at Cwmgiedd...and such too was life in Lidice until the coming of Fascism".