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Divorce and the Daughter est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par Frederick Sullivan avec Florence La Badie

Divorce and the Daughter (1916)

Divorce and the Daughter
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Genres Drame

Divorce and the Daughter is a 1916 American silent drama film directed by Frederic Richard Sullivan. The film stars Florence La Badie, Edwin Stanley, Ethelmary Oakland and Kathryn Adams.


Alicia is a poor girl living in the city with her family. When her father receives an inheritance, he is able to follow his dream of becoming an artist and moves his family near an artist's colony in the country. There he falls prey to a scheming widow, and he and his wife separate. Alicia, meanwhile, has become involved with a young man who is the widow's accomplice, and she throws over her former suitor, Dr. John Osborne. The young man is a proponent of free love, but he gets a little too free with Alicia and she beans him with a small statuette. She goes running back to her doctor sweetheart, and her parents decide to reconcile, since their separation obviously isn't doing their children any good.


Florence La Badie

Edwin Stanley

(Dr. John Osborne)
Kathryn Adams

(Mrs. Cameron)
Bande annonce de Divorce and the Daughter

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Source : Wikidata


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Note61% 3.052013.052013.052013.052013.05201
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