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Daddy's Double est un film américain de genre Comédie réalisé par Lloyd Lonergan avec Frank Hall Crane

Daddy's Double (1910)

Daddy's Double
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Réalisé par
Genres Comédie,    Romance
Note52% 2.63532.63532.63532.63532.6353

Daddy's Double is a 1910 American silent short drama produced by the Thanhouser Film Corporation. The film focuses on Hal, a young man, who proposes to Sue, his love interest. Her father overhears and becomes furious before whisking his daughter away to a boarding school. Hal and Sue attempt to elope, but it is foiled. Hal then gets an idea to disguise himself as the father and reclaim Sue. The plan works, but the father follows in pursuit. He breaks into the wedding ceremony at the parson's house and sees his double. He then laughs and approves of the marriage. The film was the fourth release by Thanhouser and it was met with favorable reviews by critics. In 2007, a surviving print was released on DVD with a new original score composed and performed by Raymond A. Brubacher.


At the Post's home, Hal Dunton sits down with his love interest Sue Post, cautiously checking to see if they are alone. Hal then proposes to Sue and in the excitement, her father comes into the room. He is outraged and believes his daughter is too young to be married and promptly makes Hal leave before scolding his daughter. Before departing, Hal meets and pleads with the father as he takes the daughter away by car. The father refuses and Hal is knocked down before the father and daughter depart to a boarding school. The father meets with the mistress and leaves Sue in her care, much to Sue's distress.


Frank Hall Crane

Fred Santley

(Daddy's double)
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Source : Wikidata


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