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The Girl of the Northern Woods est un film américain de genre Drame avec Frank Hall Crane

The Girl of the Northern Woods (1910)

The Girl of the Northern Woods
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Genres Drame,    Action,    Romance,    Western
Note56% 2.8353452.8353452.8353452.8353452.835345

The Girl of the Northern Woods is a 1910 American silent short drama produced by the Thanhouser Company. The film is a drama that follows Lucy Dane and Will Harding and a jealous halfbreed trapper named José. Considering Will his rival, José attempts to ambush Will, but instead shoots Will's assistant. José then blames Will for the deed and Will is bound by a lynch mob and set to be executed. Lucy frees Will and sends the lynch mob away, but José encounters Will and the two fight. José is wounded and falls over a cliff, but Will is recaptured by the mob. From the bottom of the cliff, José calls out for help and Lucy responds to him. José confesses his crime to Lucy and she rushes to Will and prevents his execution. The film was directed by Barry O'Neil and was released on June 3, 1910. An incomplete print of the film survives in the Library of Congress after its rediscovery in 1978 as part of the Dawson City Collection.


The original synopsis of the film was published in the The Moving Picture World, it states: "This picture tells the story of Lucy Dane, a Canadian lumberman's daughter, and of Will Harding's love for her. Will is a worthy young surveyor and Lucy feels honored to have his love, and returns it. José, halfbreed trapper, adores Lucy and necessarily dislikes Will, whom he correctly counts his successful rival. More, he bears Will a grudge for responding to Lucy's cries for help when he forced his attentions on her in the lonely neck of the woods. His chance to even matters with Will come shortly when he fastens on the surveyor's responsibility for the shooting of the latter's assistant, of which the halfbreed is himself guilty, having shot the assistant from ambush in mistake for Will. José claims he witnessed Will's alleged deed and his falsehoods are believed by the lumbermen. Rarely are the courts resorted to in that portion of the North where these events transpired and the rough lumbermen quickly decide to lynch Will. Lucy hears of the fate intended for her sweetheart and cuts his bonds. Further, she sends the lumbermen off in the wrong direction when they set out to recapture Will. The fugitive is spied by the halfbreed, who steals up from behind and attempts to knife him. The surveyor turns just in time, and in the ensuing struggle the halfbreed is wounded and falls over a precipice. At this juncture Will is retaken by the lumbermen.


Frank Hall Crane

(Will Harding, a Surveyor)
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Source : Wikidata


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Jane Eyre (1910)

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