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Les films ayant le thème "Documentaire sur la Seconde Guerre mondiale", triés par recette

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Those Kids from Town, 1h22
Réalisé par Lance Comfort
Origine Royaume-uni
Genres Guerre, Comédie dramatique
Thèmes Documentaire sur la guerre, Documentaire historique, Politique, Documentaire sur la Seconde Guerre mondiale
Acteurs Harry Fowler, George Cole, Percy Marmont, Charles Victor, Olive Sloane, Maire O'Neill

On the outbreak of the Second World War, a group of six children from the East End of London are evacuated to the village of Payling Green. The boisterous pair Charlie and Ern are lodged with the local vicar and proceed to torment, mock and terrorise his sensitive and delicate son. They then get involved in petty-thieving and vandalism, before being taken under the protective wing of a local female novelist with progressive social views.
Unpublished Story, 1h32
Réalisé par Harold French
Origine Royaume-uni
Genres Drame, Guerre, Thriller, Action
Thèmes Documentaire sur la guerre, Documentaire historique, Politique, Documentaire sur la Seconde Guerre mondiale
Acteurs Richard Greene, Valerie Hobson, Basil Radford, Roland Culver, Miles Malleson, George Carney

Bob Randall (Greene), a war correspondent with a fictional London newspaper, the Gazette, is evacuated with British troops from the beaches of Dunkirk. He writes a hard-hitting story of his experiences, but it is killed by the censor (Radford).
We Are the Marines, 1h10
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Guerre
Thèmes Documentaire sur la guerre, Documentaire historique, Politique, Documentaire sur la Seconde Guerre mondiale

The early portions of the film deal with the history of the Corps, from Colonial times to the 1942. The film's midsection details the arduous training procedure of the Few and the Proud at Parris Island and elsewhere. Finally, wartime newsreel footage is adroitly blended with dramatized re-enactments to illustrate the contributions, and the utter necessity of the marines in World War II.
Banshees Over Canada, 19minutes
Origine Canada
Genres Documentaire
Thèmes Transport, Aviation, Documentaire sur la guerre, Documentaire historique, Documentaire sur les technologies, Politique, Documentaire sur la Seconde Guerre mondiale

British preparations for a German bombing raid are examined, as well as the resultant destruction caused by the raid and the defences mounted by Britain's Royal Air Force. Canadian preparations for air defence, should the country be attacked during the then-current Second World War is also highlighted.
Berdjoang (1943)

Réalisé par Ariffien
Thèmes Documentaire sur la guerre, Documentaire historique, Politique, Documentaire sur la Seconde Guerre mondiale
Acteurs Kartolo, Dhalia, Mohamad Mochtar

In Legok, a Japanese spokesman gives a speech regarding the formation of military units for native Indonesians. Two village boys, the best friends Saman (Sambas) and Anang (Mohamad Mochtar), try to join the army. Saman is not accepted owing to a lame leg, but Anang begins training. Saman, meanwhile, begins working indirectly for the Japanese occupation government by taking up work at a food company.
La bataille d’Angleterre, 54minutes
Réalisé par Frank Capra, Anatole Litvak, Anthony Veiller
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Guerre, Documentaire, Historique
Thèmes Transport, Aviation, Documentaire sur la guerre, Documentaire historique, Documentaire sur les technologies, Politique, Documentaire sur la Seconde Guerre mondiale
Acteurs Anthony Veiller, Frieda Inescort, Walter Huston

Après avoir conquis la France, l’Angleterre est le dernier obstacle qui sépare Hitler de la domination du monde. À plus de 8 000 mètres au-dessus de la Manche, les chasseurs de la Royal Air Force vont livrer une bataille sans concession pour stopper les bombardiers de la Luftwaffe.
Bombs Over Burma, 1h5
Réalisé par Joseph H. Lewis
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Action
Thèmes Transport, Aviation, Documentaire sur la guerre, Documentaire historique, Politique, Documentaire sur la Seconde Guerre mondiale
Acteurs Anna May Wong, Noel Madison, Nedrick Young, Dan Seymour, Frank Lackteen, Teala Loring

In 1942, Chinese guerrillas fighting for the Allied cause in Burma during World War II are helping to build a road. During the construction of a military supply road like the Burma Road and Ledo Road, the project is sabotaged by an English nobleman who is a German agent.