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Les films ayant le genre "Documentaire", triés par nom

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Woman by Woman: New Hope for the Villages of India, 28minutes
Réalisé par Dorothy Fadiman
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Documentaire

The film follows several women from small villages in India who come out of seclusion to serve their communities by teaching, particularly to other women, about family planning resources. The women are trained through Janani which is a non-profit health organization founded in the state of Bihar, India by way of DKT International. The women become rural medical practitioners and counselors.
Danyel Waro, fyer bâtard, 54minutes
Genres Documentaire
Thèmes La musique, Documentaire sur la musique, Musique

In Réunion, there's no need to introduce Danyel Waro, his rhythms and texts have left their mark on the cultural landscape of the past twenty years. Behind the public image, the singer, there’s a man with strong convictions, a poet, a craftsman. Unknown facets that Thierry Hoarau's film reveals. An intimate portrait of a strong, appealing personality.
Diego l'interdite, 52minutes
Genres Documentaire

This documentary tells of how the Chagossians were torn from their islands in the northern Indian Ocean. In 1965, the Colonial British authorities declared the isle separate from Mauritius in exchange of its independence. Then, the United States rented Diego Garcia, the largest of the isles, to install a military base and the population was sent to Mauritius. The Chagossians have spent the past 36 years living in extreme poverty in Mauritius, dreaming of one day going home.