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The Eyes of Julia Deep est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par Lloyd Ingraham avec Mary Miles Minter

The Eyes of Julia Deep (1918)

The Eyes of Julia Deep
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Durée 57minutes
Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Comédie,    Comédie dramatique
Note64% 3.2454753.2454753.2454753.2454753.245475

The Eyes of Julia Deep est un film muet américain réalisé par Lloyd Ingraham et sorti en 1918.


Julia Deep is a young woman working behind the exchange desk at a department store. She usually serves as the clerk of wealthy and eccentric widows, such as Mrs. Lowe. She feels very lonely in the big city, until she notices books in the apartment of the star lodger in the building she lives in. The lodger, Terry Hartridge is the son of a wealthy man who is using his father's fortune to blaze a trail across the white lights of the city. He is spending his money carelessly and doesn't put any time in paying the bills, much to the dislike of the department store owner Timothy Black. These bills are delivered by the nobly Lottie Driscoll of the Robin Stock Company.


Mary Miles Minter

(Julia Deep)
Allan Forrest

(Terry Hartridge)
George Periolat

(Timothy Black)
Eugenie Besserer

(Mrs Lowe)
Carl Stockdale

(Simon Plummet)
Louise Emmons

(In Theater Audience (uncredited))
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Il y a 234 films ayant les mêmes acteurs, 26 films avec le même réalisateur, 86135 ayant les mêmes genres cinématographiques (dont 3268 ayant exactement les mêmes 3 genres que The Eyes of Julia Deep), pour avoir au final 70 suggestions de films similaires.

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Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Comédie, Comédie dramatique
Acteurs Mary Miles Minter, George Periolat, Allan Forrest, Adele Farrington

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Son triomphe
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Acteurs Mary Miles Minter, Anne Schaefer, Allan Forrest, Edmund F. Cobb, George Periolat, Claire Du Brey

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Hoodoo Ann
Hoodoo Ann (1916)
, 1h4
Réalisé par Lloyd Ingraham
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Comédie, Romance
Thèmes L'enfance
Acteurs Mae Marsh, Robert Harron, Wilbur Higby, Loyola O'Connor, Mildred Harris, Anna Dodge
Note59% 2.950272.950272.950272.950272.95027
Ann (Mae Marsh) is a young girl who has been living in an orphanage since infancy. She is disliked and spurned by the other children, and treated coldly by the orphanage administrators—the reason for this, however, is unclear. She is told by the orphanage cook Black Cindy (Madame Sul-Te-Wan) during a palm-reading that she will be cursed until she is married. Ann's stay at the orphanage is an endless series of unhappy circumstances; she steals a doll belonging to a popular girl named Goldie (Mildred Harris), then accidentally breaks the doll, thereby adding to her loneliness and misery. One day, while the children are napping, a fire breaks out in the orphanage and Ann heroically saves Goldie from the flames.