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That's It, That's All est un film américain de genre Documentaire

That's It, That's All (2008)

That's It, That's All
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Durée 1h
Note82% 4.130154.130154.130154.130154.13015

That's It, That's All is a 2008 documentary film about snowboarding written by Brain Farm Productions and directed by Curt Morgan. It is the predecessor to the The Art of Flight film, released on DVD on November 14, 2008. The film presents the life of an influential snowboarder Travis Rice and his crew, while facing different challenges in the professional world of sport.


Travis Rice et son équipe de rêve partent en quête d’une nouvelle zone, d’une nouvelle figure et d’une nouvelle perspective en snowboard. Ils voyagent à travers le monde en exécutant des figures tout à fait extraordinaires.

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Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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