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Date de fondation 1 janvier 1942
Fondateur Nat Cohen

Anglo-Amalgamated est une société britannique de production et de distribution de films pour le cinéma, créée en 1942 par Nat Cohen et Stuart Levy .

Spécialisée au départ dans des films policiers à petit budget, Anglo-Amalgamated parie sur de nouveaux talents et réussit à suivre l'évolution du marché cinématographique, jusqu'à être absorbée en 1969 par EMI Films . Sa filiale Anglo-Amalgamated Film Distributors distribue en Grande-Bretagne, outre les films d'Anglo-Amalgamated Productions, notamment les films des American International Pictures.

Elle produit notamment des comédies musicales avec la vedette Tommy Steele, la série des Carry On, Le Masque de la mort rouge de Roger Corman en 1964, ou plus célèbre Le Voyeur de Michael Powell en 1960.

Dans les années 1960, ils travaillent avec le producteur Joseph Janni et les réalisateurs John Schlesinger, Joseph Losey ou Ken Loach.

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Filmographie de Anglo-Amalgamated (90 films)

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The Headless Ghost
Réalisé par Peter Graham Scott
Genres Comédie, Comédie horrifique, Fantasy, Horreur
Thèmes Comédie horrifique
Acteurs Clive Revill, Jack Allen, Mary Barclay, Janina Faye, Fred Haggerty

Some teenagers - two American exchange students and a Danish girl - visit an old English castle. They discover a ghost.
Violent Moment, 1h1
Réalisé par Sidney Hayers
Origine Royaume-uni
Genres Drame
Acteurs Lyndon Brook, Jane Hylton, Rupert Davies, John Paul, Moira Redmond, Bruce Seton

A deserter from the British Army kills his wife during a fight. Although he becomes a successful businessman, his past eventually catches up with him.
Allez-y, Sergent !, 1h24
Réalisé par Gerald Thomas
Origine Royaume-uni
Genres Guerre, Comédie, Historique
Thèmes Bidasses, Sexualité, Erotique, Adaptation d'une pièce de théâtre
Acteurs William Hartnell, Bob Monkhouse, Shirley Eaton, Eric Barker, Dora Bryan, Bill Owen

Le Sergent Grimshaw souhaite plus que tout finir sa carrière sur une victoire : remporter la Star Squad avec son dernier contingent d'appelés au service militaire. Mais il tombe sur une horde d'empotés qui va lui donner du fil à retordre...
Man with a Gun, 1h
Réalisé par Montgomery Tully
Genres Policier
Acteurs Lee Patterson, Rona Anderson, John Le Mesurier, Cyril Chamberlain, Marne Maitland

Insurance investigator Mike Davies looks into a suspicious fire that burned down a nightclub. He Initially suspects the club's manager, Harry Drayson, but when Davies meets Drayson's niece Stella, she helps him uncover a mob protection scheme responsible for the arson.
Escapement (1958)

Réalisé par Montgomery Tully
Origine Royaume-uni
Genres Science-fiction, Policier
Acteurs Rod Cameron, Mary Murphy, Meredith Edwards, Peter Illing, Carl Jaffe, Kay Callard

Inquiring into the mysterious death of a Hollywood star, insurance investigator Jeff Keenan uncovers an exclusive psychiatric clinic on the French Riviera. Here, patients who want to escape the stresses of life are hypnotized, then laid out in morgue like drawers and left to dream for several weeks. It turns out that Dr. Zakon, the clinic's ex-Nazi owner, is using a "dream machine" to alter the sleepers dreams, and to impose his will on theirs.
I Was a Teenage Frankenstein, 1h14
Réalisé par Herbert L. Strock
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Science-fiction, Horreur
Thèmes Informatique, Adaptation d'une œuvre littéraire de science-fiction, Frankenstein, Cyberpunk
Acteurs Whit Bissell, Phyllis Coates, Gary Conway, Robert Burton, Claudia Bryar

Professor Frankenstein (Whit Bissell), a guest lecturer from England, talks Dr. Karlton (Robert Burton) into becoming an unwilling accomplice in his secret plan to actually assemble a human being from the parts of different cadavers. After recovering a body from a catastrophic automobile wreck, Professor Frankenstein takes the body to his laboratory-morgue, where in various drawers he keeps spare parts of human beings. The Professor also enlists the aid of Margaret (Phyllis Coates), as his secretary, to keep all callers away from the laboratory.
L'histoire de Tommy Steele, 1h10
Réalisé par Gerard Bryant
Origine Royaume-uni
Genres Drame, Musical
Acteurs Tommy Steele, Tommy Eytle, Hilda Fenemore, Cyril Chamberlain, Bryan Coleman, Lisa Daniely

Tommy Steele lives with his mother and father in their London home. He works with a bellboy until he injures his spine doing judo. In hospital he is given a guitar to help with his therapy and he starts to play to entertain patients and staff. He works on an ocean liner, performing in his spare time, and gets a job playing in a coffee bar. He is popular with audiences and gets a recording contract.
Cat Girl
Cat Girl (1957)
, 1h16
Réalisé par Alfred Shaughnessy
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Horreur
Acteurs Barbara Shelley, Robert Ayres, Kay Callard, Jack May, John Lee, Martin Boddey

A woman returns to her ancestral home and is told she will inherit money but also that there is a family curse: being possessed by the spirit of a leopard.
Johnny, You're Wanted, 1h10
Réalisé par Vernon Sewell
Origine Royaume-uni
Genres Policier
Acteurs John Slater, Alfred Marks, Garry Marsh, John Stuart, Frank Thornton, Ann Lynn

Johnny (Slater) is a long-distance lorry driver returning to London from a provincial delivery, after having taken in a show by Joan Rhodes on the way. Late at night he stops to give a lift to an attractive female hitchhiker whose car has broken down and who is in a hurry to get to back to London. Later, Johnny pulls in to a transport café to make a telephone call and buy a coffee. When he returns to his truck, the woman is gone. Assuming that in her hurry she has picked up a lift with another driver, he goes on his way, and a few miles down the road is flagged down by another driver to help with a woman who has been found laid at the roadside. It turns out that the woman is Johnny's hitchhiker, and that she is dead.