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Penny Woolcock est une Réalisatrice, Scénariste et Producteur née le 1 janvier 1950 à Buenos Aires (Argentine)

Penny Woolcock

Penny Woolcock
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Naissance 1 janvier 1950 (74 ans) à Buenos Aires (Argentine)

Penny Woolcock (born 1 January 1950, in Buenos Aires, Argentina) is a British filmmaker, opera director, and screenwriter. She was raised in a British community in Montevideo, speaking English and going to English schools.

In 1967, she founded a radical theatre group and was briefly arrested; her parents wanted to send her to Europe for safety. Instead, she fled to Spain with a man from the theatre group and had a baby in Barcelona.

In 1970 she moved to England as a single mother. She did factory work and other jobs. In her thirties she enrolled in a filmmakers' workshop, borrowed film-making equipment, and sold the resulting feature to BBC Channel 4. She was then hired as a director and editor of a current affairs program originating in Newcastle. From there, she went on to feature making.
Her first feature as a writer and director was Women in Tropical Places in 1989. Since then she has directed and/or written seven films. She adapted and directed Macbeth on the Estate in 1997.

Her breakthrough film was Tina Goes Shopping, which was a collaborative piece with the real residents of the Gipton estates in Leeds, which was part of what is now known as the Tina Trilogy. Current projects include a production of the John Adams opera Doctor Atomic which she directed for the Metropolitan Opera's 2008–2009 season. She had previously filmed Adams's The Death of Klinghoffer as a feature film. Her most recent film is 1 Day.

Woolcock's latest TV production is "Storyville: From the Sea to the Land Beyond - Britain's Coast on Film" which has been broadcast twice. History buffs and people-watchers will find this an evocative and very entertaining piece, based on archive movie footage from early cinematography to recent times, revealing much about how primitive life was for the working-class in the early 1900s, and yet how little changes in the way people behave.

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Filmographie de Penny Woolcock (5 films)

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1 Day
1 Day (2009)
, 1h42
Réalisé par Penny Woolcock
Origine Royaume-uni
Genres Drame, Thriller, Documentaire, Policier
Thèmes La musique, Le hip-hop, Gangsters
Note44% 2.2282552.2282552.2282552.2282552.228255
Flash (Dylan Duffus) receives a phone call from Angel (Yohance Watson) announcing that he's being released early from prison and wants the £500,000 he's left Flash for safekeeping. Flash is £100,000 short of the full amount and is pushed for time. Flash is forced to strike a deal with Evil (Duncan Tobias) who more than lives up to his name. The movie follows Flash's race against time as he is pursued by a rival gang called The Zampa Boys as Flash is part of OSC (Old Street Crew). He is also pressured by his three irate baby mothers and his grandmother.
Exodus (2007)
, 1h51
Réalisé par Penny Woolcock
Origine Royaume-uni
Genres Drame, Comédie, Action
Thèmes Afrique post-coloniale, Religion, La bible, Religion juive
Acteurs Bernard Hill, Claire-Hope Ashitey, Daniel Percival, Barry Letts, Margaret Avery
Note47% 2.382982.382982.382982.382982.38298
The leader of the country, called Pharaoh (who is plagued by voices), declares war upon society's 'undesirables'. Drug abusers, refugees, criminals and the homeless are all considered equally worthless and entered into a restricted ghetto, called 'Dreamland' (a former fun fair), where they cannot leave.
Mischief Night, 1h32
Réalisé par Penny Woolcock
Origine Royaume-uni
Genres Drame, Comédie dramatique
Acteurs Ramon Tikaram, Kelli Hollis, Qasim Akhtar, Holly Kenny, Christopher Simpson, Shobu Kapoor
Note63% 3.1909153.1909153.1909153.1909153.190915
The film is set on a deprived Leeds estate where Asian and white residents have segregated. Tensions between the two communities come to a head on the unruly Mischief Night. The film shows several people's involvement in this.


1 Day
1 Day (2009)
, 1h42
Réalisé par Penny Woolcock
Origine Royaume-uni
Genres Drame, Thriller, Documentaire, Policier
Thèmes La musique, Le hip-hop, Gangsters
Note44% 2.2282552.2282552.2282552.2282552.228255
Flash (Dylan Duffus) receives a phone call from Angel (Yohance Watson) announcing that he's being released early from prison and wants the £500,000 he's left Flash for safekeeping. Flash is £100,000 short of the full amount and is pushed for time. Flash is forced to strike a deal with Evil (Duncan Tobias) who more than lives up to his name. The movie follows Flash's race against time as he is pursued by a rival gang called The Zampa Boys as Flash is part of OSC (Old Street Crew). He is also pressured by his three irate baby mothers and his grandmother.
Exodus (2007)
, 1h51
Réalisé par Penny Woolcock
Origine Royaume-uni
Genres Drame, Comédie, Action
Thèmes Afrique post-coloniale, Religion, La bible, Religion juive
Acteurs Bernard Hill, Claire-Hope Ashitey, Daniel Percival, Barry Letts, Margaret Avery
Rôle Ecrivain
Note47% 2.382982.382982.382982.382982.38298
The leader of the country, called Pharaoh (who is plagued by voices), declares war upon society's 'undesirables'. Drug abusers, refugees, criminals and the homeless are all considered equally worthless and entered into a restricted ghetto, called 'Dreamland' (a former fun fair), where they cannot leave.
Mischief Night, 1h32
Réalisé par Penny Woolcock
Origine Royaume-uni
Genres Drame, Comédie dramatique
Acteurs Ramon Tikaram, Kelli Hollis, Qasim Akhtar, Holly Kenny, Christopher Simpson, Shobu Kapoor
Rôle Ecrivain
Note63% 3.1909153.1909153.1909153.1909153.190915
The film is set on a deprived Leeds estate where Asian and white residents have segregated. Tensions between the two communities come to a head on the unruly Mischief Night. The film shows several people's involvement in this.


1 Day
1 Day (2009)
, 1h42
Réalisé par Penny Woolcock
Origine Royaume-uni
Genres Drame, Thriller, Documentaire, Policier
Thèmes La musique, Le hip-hop, Gangsters
Rôle Producteur
Note44% 2.2282552.2282552.2282552.2282552.228255
Flash (Dylan Duffus) receives a phone call from Angel (Yohance Watson) announcing that he's being released early from prison and wants the £500,000 he's left Flash for safekeeping. Flash is £100,000 short of the full amount and is pushed for time. Flash is forced to strike a deal with Evil (Duncan Tobias) who more than lives up to his name. The movie follows Flash's race against time as he is pursued by a rival gang called The Zampa Boys as Flash is part of OSC (Old Street Crew). He is also pressured by his three irate baby mothers and his grandmother.