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Paul Hagen est un Acteur Danois né le 19 mars 1920 à Copenhague (Danemark)

Paul Hagen

Paul Hagen
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Nationalité Danemark
Naissance 19 mars 1920 à Copenhague (Danemark)
Mort 19 mai 2003 (à 83 ans) à Langø

Paul Falck Hagen (19 March 1920 – 19 May 2003) was a Danish film and television actor. He appeared in over 100 films between 1952 and 1999. He is most known for playing Mr. Clausen in the television series Huset på Christianshavn, which aired between 1970 and 1977.

He was born in Copenhagen, and died in Nakskov, Denmark. He is buried in Langø cemetery on Lolland island where he lived the last years of his life.

Le plus souvent avec

Dirch Passer
Dirch Passer
(31 films)
Ove Sprogøe
Ove Sprogøe
(33 films)
Karl Stegger
Karl Stegger
(27 films)
Carl Ottosen
Carl Ottosen
(15 films)
Erik Balling
Erik Balling
(11 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmographie de Paul Hagen (49 films)

Afficher la filmographie sous forme de liste


Olsen-banden på sporet, 1h45
Réalisé par Erik Balling
Origine Danemark
Genres Comédie, Policier
Thèmes Hold up
Acteurs Ove Sprogøe, Morten Grunwald, Poul Arne Bundgaard, Kirsten Walther, Ove Verner Hansen, Paul Hagen
Rôle Godtfredsen
Note71% 3.594593.594593.594593.594593.59459
Olsen has planned to rob a train car filled with gold. The plan backfires when Olsen forgets the new summer timetable and the gang accidentally abducts the car containing the CID summer picnic hosted by Superintendent Jensen.
Olsen-banden, 1h20
Réalisé par Erik Balling
Origine Danemark
Genres Comédie, Policier
Thèmes Hold up
Acteurs Ove Sprogøe, Ebba Amfeldt, Morten Grunwald, Poul Arne Bundgaard, Peter Steen, Poul Reichhardt
Rôle Hansen
Note66% 3.3022353.3022353.3022353.3022353.302235
The plot involves the Olsen Gang as they plan to become millionaires. The movie starts by Egon being arrested for trying to rob a store, while the others run away. After Egon is set free, the gang plan on stealing a golden statue which is worth 12 million. After some planning, the gang sets the plan in action and steal the golden statue. On their way to the airport, their car runs out of gas and the police come take the car (with the statue in it). Constantly chased by Mortensen, they manage to get the statue back and hide it in Kjeld's pram. Unfortunately, Kjeld's wife Yvonne is mad at Kjeld for leaving the pram outside on the sidewalk and takes it away and plans on going back to her mother. The gang now chases after Yvonne (with Mortensen on their tail) and finally succeed on getting the pram back. After almost getting caught, Egon makes a little speech, just before he realizes that the statue is not in the pram. Egon goes mad and leaves Benny and Kjeld behind while he chases after Yvonne. Kjeld and Benny however walk back home with the pram. Turns out that Yvonne didn't go to her mother and came back to Kjeld while Benny is driven home by Ulla. Egon is caught by the police on the boat where Yvonne was supposed to be.