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Over the Garden Wall est un film américain de genre Comédie romantique réalisé par David Smith avec Bessie Love

Over the Garden Wall (1919)

Over the Garden Wall
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Over the Garden Wall is a lost 1919 silent romantic comedy film produced and distributed by the Vitagraph Company of America. It was directed by David Smith, brother of one of the Vitagraph founders Albert E. Smith. The film stars Bessie Love.

At least five short films with this title were filmed before this production.


A young man falls in love with a young woman, after seeing her "over the garden wall" and through a tennis racket.


Bessie Love

(Peggy Gordon)
Edward Hearn

(Stanley Davis)
Otto Lederer

(James Barstow)
Anne Schaefer

(Mrs. Clara Morton)
Allan Forrest

(Peter Morton)
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Source : Wikidata


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