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Molly & Mobarak est un film

Molly & Mobarak (2004)

Molly & Mobarak
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Durée 1h25
Note11% 0.597570.597570.597570.597570.59757

Molly & Mobarak is a 2003 Australian documentary directed by Tom Zubrycki. It follows a Hazara asylum seeker, 22-year-old Mobarak Tahiri, as he falls in love with 25-year-old Molly Rule, and faces possible deportation as his temporary visa nears expiration. In 2003, it was nominated for best documentary at the IF Awards.
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Source : Wikidata


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Genres Documentaire
Thèmes L'immigration, La mer, Sexualité, Transport, Homosexualité, Documentaire sur le droit, Documentaire sur une personnalité, LGBT, LGBT
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