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Les films ayant le thème "Documentaire sur l'homosexualité", triés par note

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Trinidad (2008)
, 1h26
Réalisé par PJ Raval
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Documentaire
Thèmes Sexualité, Homosexualité, Transsexuels et transgenres, Documentaire sur l'homosexualité, LGBT, LGBT

Dr. Stanley Biber began conducting sex reassignment therapy in Trinidad, Colorado, in 1969. Dr. Marci Bowers, a former patient of Biber, took over his practice after his death. Trinidad focuses on Bowers and two of her patients at different stages of their transition from male to female.
Kidnapped for Christ, 1h25
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Documentaire
Thèmes Religion, Sexualité, Homosexualité, Documentaire sur l'homosexualité, Documentaire sur la religion, LGBT, LGBT et la religion, LGBT

The documentary details the experiences of several teenagers who were forcibly removed from their homes and sent to Escuela Caribe at their parents' behest. The film focuses on the plight of a Colorado high school student, David, sent to the school by his parents after he told them he was gay. The film also documents the experiences of two girls: Beth, who was sent to the school because of a "debilitating anxiety disorder", and Tai, who was sent for behavioral problems resulting from childhood trauma.
Trembling Before G-D : Juifs orthodoxes et homosexualité, 1h24
Réalisé par Sandi Simcha DuBowski
Origine Israel
Genres Documentaire
Thèmes Religion, Sexualité, Bisexualité, Homosexualité, Documentaire sur l'homosexualité, Documentaire sur la religion, Religion juive, LGBT, LGBT et la religion, LGBT

Le film traite des gays et des lesbiennes juifs orthodoxes qui cherchent à réconcilier leur foi et leur sexualité.
Gay Sex in the 70s, 1h7
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Documentaire
Thèmes Sexualité, Homosexualité, Documentaire historique, Documentaire sur l'homosexualité, Documentaire sur les villes, LGBT, LGBT
Acteurs Larry Kramer, Bette Midler

The film opens with a rapid montage of visuals that transport people back to the 1970s in and around Greenwich Village. Driving disco music of the time sets the pace. Using intimate interviews it begins to develop the story of gay sex in the 70′s through characters such as Larry Kramer, Scott Bromley, Barton Benes, Rodger McFarlane, and others. These characters begin to expand the elements that were visually introduced. They talk about the public sex: the streets, the piers, and the trucks.
Bambi (2013)

Réalisé par Sébastien Lifshitz
Genres Documentaire
Thèmes Sexualité, Homosexualité, Transsexuels et transgenres, Documentaire sur l'homosexualité, LGBT, LGBT

Dès sa plus tendre enfance à Alger, Marie-Pierre ne veut s’habiller qu’en robe et refuse obstinément son prénom de naissance : Jean-Pierre. A 17 ans, sa vie bascule lorsqu’elle découvre la revue d’un cabaret de travestis en tournée : le Carrousel de Paris. En quelques années, elle devient « Bambi », figure mythique des cabarets parisiens des années 50-60. En recueillant le témoignage d’une des premières transsexuelles françaises, Sébastien Lifshitz poursuit le travail entamé avec « Les Invisibles » et trace le destin d’une personnalité hors du commun.
Transparent, 1h1
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Documentaire
Thèmes Sexualité, Homosexualité, Transsexuels et transgenres, Documentaire sur l'homosexualité, LGBT, LGBT

Transparent follows the lives of 19 female-to-male transsexuals as they recall their encounters giving birth to and raising children while transitioning. For most, they did not view it as a weird concept to explain to their kids, especially at a young age, because none of the politics had to go into their explanation, they could simply state the facts and the children were accepting of that. For example, the common explanation to their children was that they were “born with a girl body but a boy heart.” In addition, they still felt as though they were their child’s mother because biologically, they were, they just were no longer a mother figure. However, most of them were still being referred to by their child as “mom”.
Indianara (2019)
, 1h24
Origine Bresil
Genres Documentaire
Thèmes Sexualité, Documentaire sur l'homosexualité, LGBT, LGBT

Le documentaire décrit le combat d'une femme trans et personnalité politique brésilienne, Indianara Siqueira, et de ses proches à la "Casa Nem", un refuge et squat pour les personnes trans qu’elle a ouvert à Rio de Janeiro en 2016.