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Putani Agent 123 est un film réalisé par Geethapriya avec Srinath

Putani Agent 123 (1979)

Putani Agent 123
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Durée 1h54
Réalisé par

Putani Agent 123 (Kannada: ಪುಟಾಣಿ ಏಜೆಂಟ್ಸ್ ೧೨೩) is 1979 Indian Kannada Kannada children's film directed by Geethapriya. Srinath, Manjula, Udaya Kumar, Baby Indira, Master Rama Krishna Hegade, Master Bhanu Prakash, Ambarish, Shakthi Prasad, Sundar Krishna Urs played the lead roles in the movie. This film is regularly screened in children film festivals even in the 21st century.


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