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Oridathu est un film de genre Drame réalisé par G. Aravindan avec Nedumudi Venu

Oridathu (1987)

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Durée 1h52
Réalisé par
Genres Drame
Note71% 3.579963.579963.579963.579963.57996

Oridathu (1987) is an Indian Malayalam satirical drama film written and directed by G. Aravindan. Nedumudi Venu, Sreenivasan, Thilakan, Vineeth, Krishnankutty Nair, Chandran Nair and Soorya form the cast. The story is about the problems faced by the people of a hamlet where electricity in unavailable, when electric supply finally reaches there. The film reaches a conclusion that life is better without electricity. The indefinability of the human mind is the theme of the film. Though the film is discussing a serious issue, the treatment of it is very simplistic. Humour and intensity characterise the film that is set in the mid-fifties. The film is different from many of Aravindan's earlier works in that it deals with a broad range of characters and lacks a clear-cut linear story. It became a major critical success and earned the best director awards for Aravindan at state and national film awards.


The time is the mid-fifties, when the Indian states were being reorganised. The place is a remote village in Kerala. There is a palpable hum of excitement as the village Panchayath, led by the Brahmin landlord, is determined to bring the benefits of electricity to this backward place.


Nedumudi Venu

(Overseer Sundaresan)


(Raman (Manager))

M. S. Thripunithura

Bande annonce de Oridathu

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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