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Les films ayant le genre "Western", triés par note

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The Phantom Stage, 58minutes
Réalisé par George Waggner
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Western
Acteurs Bob Baker, Marjorie Reynolds, George Cleveland, Forrest Taylor, Ernie Adams, Reed Howes

Bob Carson et Grizzly prennent un emploi de conducteur et de garde armé sur une ligne de diligences qui est régulièrement la proie des bandits. le gang a trouvé un système ingénieux pour dévaliser les diligences de l'or qu'elles transportent. Ils font charger sur la voiture un grand coffre dans lequel est caché un de leur complice, Runt, qui arrive ainsi à voler l'or sans être vu. Quand Bob découvre le subterfuge, il prends la place de Runt dans le coffre.
Dust in the Sun, 1h26
Réalisé par Lee Robinson
Genres Western
Thèmes La mer, Transport
Acteurs Jill Adams, Robert Tudawali

Justin Bayard, a Northern Territory policeman, is escorting an aboriginal warrior, Emu Foot, to Alice Springs to be tried for a tribal killing. They are attacked by some Aborigines and forced to take refuge at an isolated cattle station. Julie, the bored wife of the station owner Tad Kirkbridge, sets Emu Foot free and is later murdered. Bayard romances stockman's daughter Chris. Emu Foot is killed by aboriginals and Bayard exposes Julie's murderer.
God's Sentence
Réalisé par José Mojica Marins
Origine Bresil
Genres Western
Acteurs José Mojica Marins

Antonio, desperate man who cannot maintain a job to support his mother, Dona Lídia, and his sister Marta, after his father, a banker and patriarchal head of the family, is killed. Later, he boards a group of criminals who plan a robbery and they want and him to be the driver.
The Broken Spur, 1h50
Réalisé par Warren Chaney
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Fantasy, Aventure, Policier, Western
Thèmes Films pour enfants
Acteurs Warren Chaney

The Broken Spur (1992) is a western film set in west Texas during the early 1860s. The story centers on a working ranch foreman, Sandy Steele (portrayed by Gabe Folse), and a young Indian boy, Little Hawk (portrayed by Jayson Sutherland).