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Osterman week-end est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par Sam Peckinpah sorti en France le 18 avril 1984 avec Rutger Hauer

Osterman week-end (1983)

The Osterman Weekend

Osterman week-end
Si vous aimez ce film, faites-le savoir !

Bernard Osterman

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook The truth is just a lie that hasn't been found out.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook It ain’t legal, but it sure as hell isn’t traitorous.

John Tanner

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook What you've just witnessed is, in many ways, a life-sized video game. You saw a liar talk to a killer and you couldn't tell them apart. But hey, it's only television. As you may know, television programs are just the filler between attempts to steal your money. So if you want to save some, turn me off. It's a simple movement, done with the hand and what is left of your free will. The moment is now. My bet is you can't do it. But go ahead and try.

Lawrence Fassett

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook I know Maxwell Danforth very well; he killed my wife. Not with his bare hands, of course. The Danforths of the world don't murder that way. They use words like terminate, exterminate.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook And then there were two.


Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Motorcycle Cop: Oh, don't worry, you'll make it. I like your stuff, Mister Osterman. Only sometimes I think you tend to be a little strident, ya know.
Bernard Osterman: Strident? Are you giving me a ticket for strident writing are you? That means the death penalty for Beverly Hills parking violations is coming back too, huh?
Motorcycle Cop: [smiles] Have a nice day.
Bernard Osterman: Yeah.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Bernard Osterman: I'm still wondering how we got into this mess.
John Tanner: It's called being programmed.