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Les Survivants est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par Frank Marshall sorti en France le 21 avril 1993 avec Ethan Hawke

Les Survivants (1993)


Les Survivants
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Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Carlitos: Hey, I'll pay for pizza if you go get it.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Older Carlitos: And so we were saved. Nando and Canessa breached the Andes and we were saved. Later, a group went back and buried the bodies. They built a rough stone altar by the grave and on top of it, they placed an iron cross. There's nothing more I can tell you. We were brought together by a grand experience.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Nando: Between these mountains somewhere there's a green valley. See those mountains over there? There's no snow on them.
Roberto: Those mountains must be 50 miles away. You think you can walk 50 miles?
Nando: If we have to, we will.
Roberto: I can't.
Nando: Yes you can.
Roberto: I can't. I'm not as strong as you.
Nando: Do you know what it is that we've lived this long the way we have? 70 days? It's impossible. I's impossible and we did it. I'm proud to be a man on a day like this. Alive. That I lived to see it, and see it in such a place. Take it in. I love you, man. It's beautiful. It's God. And it'll carry us over every stone, I swear.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook [debating whether to eat the bodies]
Antonio: I think God would want us to survive. Strive to live.
Gustavo: At all costs?
Antonio: No. I mean, we shouldn't murder innocents to live.
Gustavo: And what about our innocence? What's going to become of our innocence if we survive as cannibals?

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Federico: Are we supposed to fly that close to the mountains?

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Older Carlitos: After 20 years, you analyze a lot. You remember people, heroism. The Miracle of the Andes...that's what they call it. Many people come up to me and say that, had they been there, they surely would have died - but that makes no sense because, until you are in a situation like that, you have no idea how you'll behave. To be affronted by solitude without decadence or a single material thing to prostitute - that elevates you to a spiritual plane...where I felt the presence of God. Now there's the God they taught me about at school - and there's the God that's hidden by what surrounds us in this civilization. That's the God that I met on the mountain.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Antonio: Zerbino, are you okay?
Gustavo: People are hurt, Antonio! I've only been in med school 6 months!

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook [Canessa and Zerbino find the co-pilot, badly injured.]
Dante: [shivering] My bag, my... bag.
Roberto: He wants his bag.
Gustavo: There isn't much on the floor. I don't... I don't see his bag.
Roberto: We're looking. What's in the bag?
Dante: [rolls his eyes] My... My gun. Gun!
Roberto: No, my friend. We can't be a part of that.

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Federico: My name is Federico Aranda, and I will return.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Felipe: What's more important to you, rugby or girls?
Nando: Girls. You?
Felipe: Girls.
Nando: But when I'm playing rugby, rugby's the most important thing.
Felipe: Yeah, unless girls are watching.
Nando: Right.
[They both laugh]


Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook They survived the doing the unthinkable.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook They were ordinary young men driven to the very limits of human endurance.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook The triumph of the human spirit.