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Batman et Robin est un film américain de genre Science-fiction réalisé par Joel Schumacher sorti en France le 9 juillet 1997 avec Michael Paul Chan

Batman et Robin (1997)

Batman and Robin

Batman et Robin
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Batman / Bruce Wayne

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Hey Freeze, the heat is on!!

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Why are all the beautiful ones homicidal maniacs? Is it me?

Alfred Pennyworth

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook There is no defeat in death, Master Bruce. Victory comes in defending what we know is right while we still live.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook I'll cancel the pizzas!

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook We're going to need a bigger cave.

Poison Ivy / Dr. Pamela Isley

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook As I told Lady Freeze when I pulled her plug, "This is a one woman show".

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook There's something about an anatomically correct rubber suit that puts fire in a girl's lips.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook It took God seven days to create paradise. Let's see if I can do better.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Men, the most absurd of God's creatures. We give you life... and we can take it away just as easily.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Sorry, my vines have a crush on you!

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook I'm a lover not a fighter, which is why every Poison Ivy action figure comes with him! [gestures to Bane]

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook I am Nature's arm. Her spirit. Her will. Hell, I am Mother Nature, and the time has come for plants to take back the world so rightfully ours! 'cause it's not nice to fool with Mother Nature.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Kiss me and I'll tell you.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook One love...for luck.

Mr. Freeze / Dr. Victor Fries

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Freeze in hell, Batman!

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Grab the gem! Kill the heroes! Yes! Yes! Kill them!

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Allow me to break the ice. My name is Freeze. Learn it well, for it is the chilling sound of your doom!

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook What killed the dinosaurs? The Ice Age!

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook I hate when people talk during the movie.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Alright everyone! Chill.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook In this universe, there is only one absolute: Everything freezes.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook No matter what they tell you, Mr. Bane, it is the size of your gun that counts.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook You're not sending me to the cooler!

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook I hate uninvited guests.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook If revenge is a dish best served cold, then put on your Sunday finest: It's time to feast!

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook [freezes Robin] Stay cool, Birdboy.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Dare to be cold, Batman?

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Tonight's forecast: A Freeze is coming!

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook A laundry service that delivers. Wow!


Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Robin: I want a car. Chicks dig the car.
Batman: This is why Superman works alone.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Robin: I could have made that jump!
Batman: And you could have splattered your brains all over the side of the building.
Robin: You know, in the circus, the Flying Graysons were a team. We had to trust each person to do their jobs. That's what being partners is all about. Sometimes, counting on someone else is the only way you win.
Batman: Your head wasn't even on the job. All you could think about was Poison Ivy.
Robin: You just can't stand it! Maybe she wanted me instead of you. I mean, this is your idea of friendship, isn't it, Bruce? It's your house, it's your rules, it's your way or the highway! It's Batman and Robin, not Robin and Batman, and I'm sick of it!
Batman: Yes, it's my rules. My rules to keep us alive, and if you want to stay in this house, and on this team, you will abide by them!
Robin: This is no partnership. You're never gonna trust me!

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Bruce Wayne: [about Robin] Well, he's over-eager. He's impulsive. I can't trust him not to get hurt.
Alfred Pennyworth: Perhaps the truth is you really don't trust anyone.
Bruce Wayne: Oh, don't tell me you're on his side, again.
Alfred Pennyworth: Despite all your talents, you are still a novice in the ways of family. Master Dick follows the same star as you but gets there by his own course. You must learn to trust him, for that is the nature of family.
Bruce Wayne: I trust you, Alfred.
Alfred Pennyworth: But I shan't be here forever.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Poison Ivy: There's just something about an anatomically correct rubber suit that puts fire in a girl's lips.
Batman: Why is it that all the beautiful ones are homicidal maniacs? Is it me?

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook [Alfred misses the doorbell]
Alfred Pennyworth: I must have dozed off. My sincerest apologies.
Bruce Wayne: Oh, there's no apology necessary, Alfred. It's the first time it's happened in 30 years.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Poison Ivy: Enough monkey business. We've got work to do.
Bane: Monkey work.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Bruce Wayne: Alfred, am I pig headed? Is it always my way or the highway?
Alfred Pennyworth: Yes, actually. Death and chance stole your parents. But rather than become a victim, you have done everything in your power to control the fates. For what is Batman if not an effort to master the chaos that sweeps our world? An attempt to control death, itself?
Bruce Wayne: But I can't, can I?
Alfred Pennyworth: None of us can.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Robin: I can't believe we were fighting over a bad guy!
Batman: Bad? Yes. Guy? No.
Robin: Well I'm totally over her, alright? Positively!
Batman: Me too! Definitely! [pause] Great stems, though...
Robin: Buds, too.
Batman: Yeah, those were nice...

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Poison Ivy: Let me kiss you.
Batman: [Runs towards Robin] Stop, don't kiss her. The victim at the airport. Toxins introduced through the mouth.
Robin: What are you talking about?
Batman: Why do you think she's so desperate to kiss us, I'm betting her lips are poison.
Robin: Poison kiss? You got some real issues with women, you know that? You just couldn't stand that she was gonna kiss me and not you. You couldn't stand it that something was gonna be mine and not yours, could you?
[Robin pushes Batman and begins an attack, but Batman avoids Robin's attacks and pushes Robin into the vat of slime as Poison Ivy and Bane have the chance to escape]
Poison Ivy: Exit Bane.
Bane: Exit.
[Robin gets out of the vat of slime and realizes that this is the last straw as he storms out]
Robin: Ivy's right. I don't need your help. I'm going solo.
[Commissioner Gordon shows up and questions Batman of Poison Ivy and Bane's escape]
Commissioner Gordon: What happened? How'd they get away?
[Batman becomes upset of what Robin has said]

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook [Robin has entered Ivy's lair after she calls him there and meets her in the center]
Poison Ivy: Hi there.
Robin: [Walking towards her] Is your thumb the only part of you that's green?
Poison Ivy: You will just have to find out.
Robin: I want us to be together, but I want to make sure you're serious about turning over a new leaf. [lays next to her on her throne] I need a sign.
Poison Ivy: How about "slippery when wet"?
Robin: Of trust. Tell me your plan.
Poison Ivy: Kiss me and I'll tell you.
Robin: Tell me and I'll kiss you.
Poison Ivy: Freeze has taken the new telescope and turned it into a giant freezing gun. He's about to turn Gotham into an ice cube.
Robin: [Turns to leave] I've got to stop him.
Poison Ivy: [Grabs Robin's shoulders and turns him to face her] One love...[whispers] for luck.
[Ivy places a hand on Robin's face and they both lean in, Ivy having an evil smirk, and the two share a passionate kiss]
Poison Ivy: [In mock sadness] Bad luck I'm afraid. Time to die little robin.
Robin: I hate to disappoint you, but...[peels rubber off his lips and Ivy stares in shock] rubber lips are immune to your charms.
[Ivy glares at Robin before leaping forward and shoving him off her throne, into the pond]
Robin: Wahh! [Becomes tangled up in vines that try to drown him]
Poison Ivy: [Leaps from her throne and waves at Robin as she walks off] See ya!
[Ivy walks away. Suddenly, Batman halts Poison Ivy]
Batman: You're not the only one who can set a trap, Venus.
Poison Ivy: Sorry. My vines have a "crush" on you.
[Ivy's vines tangle Batman and pull him up to the ceiling]
Poison Ivy: [Evil Laughing] Gotta go. So many people to kill, so little time!
[Ivy walks away again. Suddenly, Batgirl crashes the sunlight and is ready to fight.]
Batgirl: You're about to become compost.
[Batgirl starts fighting Poison Ivy]

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook [Batman, Robin and Batgirl climb up into the chamber, and Mr. Freeze and Bane are not there]
Robin: No sign of the snowman.
Batgirl: Maybe he melted.
Batman: No, he's just hibernating.
[Batman, Robin, and Batgirl shoot the Bat-Grapple into the ceiling and swing into the controller]
Batman: These heaters will thaw them.
[Batman heat up the scientists. He went past the telescope.]
Batgirl: I hope you've got about ten million more of those little toys.
Robin: Eight more minutes and a city full of Gothamites are ice cubes forever.
Batman: Sunlight could reverse the freezing process.
Batgirl: Sunrise isn't for five hours.
Batman: Here.
Robin: But it's morning in the Congo.
Batman: If we could relay the sunlight-
Robin: From the other side of the Equator-
Batgirl: It'll take the satellites about a minute to re-align, but...damn!
Robin: Damn? Damn's not good.
Batgirl: Those targeting mirrors are frozen. The sun beam won't work.
Batman: Alright, I'll set the telescope. You thaw the mirrors.
[Robin and Batgirl race out of telescope. They begins to thaw the mirrors. Batman get on the main console and types on the keyboard on the world "Targeting". Satellites are tracking through, Back at Observatory. Robin and Batgirl continues to thaw the mirrors. The digital clock reads "11:53" to "11:54", Batman aims the telescope. Suddenly, Mr. Freeze surprises Batman.]
Mr. Freeze: Tonight's forecast...a freeze is coming!
[Freeze grabs Batman and hurls the caped crusader up over his head onto the telescope barrel, using his free hand to yank the telescope control joystick. The telescope tilts sharply downward.]

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook [Batgirl disables Mr. Freeze's freeze-ray]
Robin: You're pretty good at this, little girl.
Batgirl: Well, watch and learn, little boy.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook [Poison Ivy has been defeated and imprisoned in Arkham Asylum; dazed, she plucks at a flower]
Poison Ivy: He loves me. He loves me not. He loves me. He loves me...
[Mr. Freeze appears in the cell]
Mr. Freeze: NOT! Surprise, I am your new cell mate. And I'm here to make your life a living hell. Prepare for a bitter harvest. Winter has come at last.

About Batman & Robin (film)

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Because of my love for the world of Batman, I went to Joel Schumacher's Batman & Robin with real anticipation. I got thrilled all over again by the Gothic towers of Gotham City. I was reminded of how cool the Batmobile is (Batman has a new one), and I smiled at the fetishistic delight with which Batman and Robin put on their costumes, sheathing themselves in shiny black second skins and clamping on lots of belts, buckles, shields, hooks, pulleys, etc. (How much does that stuff weigh? How do they run while they're wearing it?) But my delight began to fade at about the 30-minute mark, when it became clear that this new movie, like its predecessors, was not *really* going to explore the bizarre world of its heroes, but would settle down safely into a special effects extravaganza. "Batman & Robin, like the first three films in the series, is wonderful to look at, and has nothing authentic at its core.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Joel Schumacher, Shadows of the Bat: The Cinematic Saga of the Dark Knight Part 6-Batman Unbound, (2005), Warner Home Video.