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Renfrew of the Royal Mounted est un film américain de genre Western réalisé par Albert Herman avec Carol Hughes

Renfrew of the Royal Mounted (1937)

Renfrew of the Royal Mounted
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Durée 57minutes
Réalisé par
Genres Western
Note56% 2.815092.815092.815092.815092.81509

Renfrew of the Royal Mounted is a 1937 American film produced and directed by Albert Herman and starring James Newill, Carol Hughes, and William Royle. Released by Grand National Pictures, it is the first of eight films based on Renfrew of the Royal Mounted, a popular series of boy's adventure books written by Laurie York Erskine. The film was shot on location at Big Bear Lake, California.


In the summer of 1937, a dangerous gang of counterfeiters are transporting illegal money from the United States into Canada concealed inside frozen trout. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police assures the United States Treasury officials that they will cooperate fully in helping to apprehend the criminals. RCMP Constable MacDonald is sent out to assist in the investigation. While riding near Deer Lake, he sees a suspicious Indian rowing a canoe. When he calls to him, the Indian flees into the woods. MacDonald investigates the strange block of ice left behind and soon discovers the counterfeit money hidden inside the frozen trout. The Indian Pierre, who works for the counterfeiters, sees what has happened and kills MacDonald with a deadly throw of a knife.


Carol Hughes

(Virginia Bronson)
Kenneth Harlan

(Roger 'Angel' Carroll)
Dickie Jones

(Tommy MacDonald)
Chief Thundercloud

(Indian henchman)
William Austin

(Constable Holly)
Donald Reed

(Constable MacDonald)
Bande annonce de Renfrew of the Royal Mounted

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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Note53% 2.658992.658992.658992.658992.65899
Un cow-boy capture deux voleurs et récupère une récompense de 5000 $. En utilisant l'argent pour prendre des vacances, il finit par être accusé d'un meurtre qu'il n'a pas commis.