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Kollura Sri Mookambika est un film avec Shridhar

Kollura Sri Mookambika (1993)

Kollura Sri Mookambika
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Durée 2h18

Kollura Sri Mookambika (Kannada: ಕೊಲ್ಲೂರ ಶ್ರೀ ಮೂಕಾಂಬಿಕಾ) is a 1993 Indian Kannada mythological - devotional film directed and produced by Renuka Sharma. Chi. Udaya Shankar has written the story and screenplay and Pughalendi Mahadevan has scored the music. The film stars Sridhar , Bhavya, Vijay Raghavendra and Vajramuni in lead roles. The film is centered on the Goddess Mookambika.

The film won State Film Awards in Art direction category.


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Source : Wikidata


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