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Les films ayant pour origine le pays "bresil", triés par nom

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À minuit, je possèderai ton âme, 1h24
Réalisé par José Mojica Marins
Origine Bresil
Genres Thriller, Horreur
Acteurs José Mojica Marins

Zé do Caixão, dit Coffin Joe, un croquemort nitzschéen dans l'âme, cherche la "femme parfaite" qui pourra donner naissance à l'être supérieur. Mais dans un petit village paumé du Brésil, où la population vit dans la peur permanente de la punition céleste, la quête de Zé n'est pas chose facile. D'autant plus qu'il abhorre tous ces paysans crédules, et que sa femme, Lenita, est stérile. Zé décide donc de l'éliminer afin d'avoir le champ libre pour conquérir Terezinha, la fiancée de son meilleur ami, Antonio. Terezinha refusant ses avances, Zé la viole après avoir fracassé la tête d'Antonio. Souillée, elle se suicide mais promet à Zé de revenir hanter son âme.
A Música Segundo Tom Jobim, 1h24
Réalisé par Nelson Pereira dos Santos
Origine Bresil
Genres Documentaire, Musical
Thèmes La musique, Documentaire sur la musique, Musique
Acteurs Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr., Judy Garland, Lio, Birgit Brüel

Ce documentaire est consacré au célèbre musicien brésilien Antônio Carlos Jobim, cofondateur du style « bossa nova ».
A Novela das 8, 1h48
Origine Bresil
Genres Drame
Thèmes Sexualité, Homosexualité, LGBT, LGBT
Acteurs Cláudia Ohana, Vanessa Giácomo, Mateus Solano, André Ramiro

Brazil, 1978, a group of people live their lives under the dictatorship, the euphoria of disco fever and the fantasy of "Dancin' Days", a prime time soap, which fictional drama is set on the homonymous night club in Rio de Janeiro. After a fatal incident, Amanda and Dora (a high-class prostitute addicted to the TV drama, and her "maid") are forced to run away from São Paulo to Rio de Janeiro with the fed Brandão in hot pursuit. While the excitement of visiting the disco "Dancin' Days" distracts Amanda from the danger of the situation she is in, Dora gets ready to confront her secret past. In a six degrees of separation manner, their destine will cross with João Paulo, a diplomat who feels like a foreigner in his own country, the revolutionary Vicente and his brother Pedro, and the teenager Caio, who was raised by his grandparents and counts with the support of his friend Mônica as he struggles to be accepted as a gay man. Both youngster are crazy about disco fever and fascinated by the soap "Dancin' Days".
A Praga
A Praga (2023)
, 52minutes
Réalisé par José Mojica Marins
Origine Bresil
Genres Horreur
Acteurs José Mojica Marins

Young couple Juvenal and Mariana go on a trip and Juvenal unknowingly takes some pictures of a strange elderly lady (played by Wanda Kosmo) who is eventually revealed to be a sinister witch. The witch then places a curse on the man for photographing her. A wound begins to open in his side which has an agonizing hunger for raw meat which he must constantly feed in order to stop the burning pain. Perplexing his doctors, Juvenal's wound becomes hungrier as the film progresses, the man becomes delirious and murders his wife, thinking she will leave him because of his condition. The witch then reappears and coaxes him into feeding the wound with the body of his dead wife. The separate skeletons of the couple are discovered lying next to each other by police months later.
A Princesa e o Robô, 1h30
Origine Bresil
Genres Science-fiction, Fantasy, Aventure, Animation
Thèmes Films pour enfants

At a small planet in the shape of heart, there is a pulsating star that ends up dropping through space and lands on another planet, called Cenourano, reaching a robot that is passionate about the princess of the kingdom where you live : Princess Mimi .
A Princesa Xuxa e os Trapalhões, 1h52
Origine Bresil
Genres Science-fiction, Comédie, Comédie romantique, Aventure
Thèmes Musique, Films pour enfants
Acteurs Renato Aragão, Antônio Carlos Bernardes Gomes (Mussum), Dedé Santana, Mauro Faccio Gonçalves (Zacarias), Xuxa Meneghel

The story takes place on another planet, in full outer space. In the right arm of the Milky Way there is a planet called Antar, the terrible Ratan decides to conquer it alone. For this, it makes use of all the military power of the kingdom, destroying it almost completely.
A Prisão
A Prisão (1980)
, 1h27
Réalisé par Oswaldo de Oliveira
Origine Bresil
Genres Drame, Policier
Thèmes L'enfance, La prison, Sexualité, Erotique, Sexploitation, Prison pour femmes, Maltraitance des enfants

In a women's prison in Brazil, the inmates are young and beautiful, the warden is a sadist, all but one of the guards are cruel, and the nurse is incompetent. To make it difficult for the inmates to hide contraband, they wear no underwear. They are alternately murderous and orgiastic with each other, and they engage in sex play with some of the guards. The warden pimps out inmates to wealthy lesbians. With the help of the nurse and under the cover of Carnival, three inmates stage an escape. But once out they contrive to stay undiscovered as the authorities close in.
A Quinta Dimensão do Sexo, 1h21
Réalisé par José Mojica Marins
Origine Bresil
Genres Comédie, Aventure, Policier, Pornographique
Thèmes Sexualité, Erotique, Sexploitation, Homosexualité, LGBT, LGBT
Acteurs José Mojica Marins

Two chemistry students, Paulo and Norberto are ridiculed by their classmates, as it is rumored that they are impotent. They work together to develop a formula that turns them into crazed sex maniacs, and begin kidnapping women on the streets and raping them. The series of sex crimes soon leads to a police chase, and the two men discover that they are in love with each other.
A Sina do Aventureiro, 1h28
Réalisé par José Mojica Marins
Origine Bresil
Genres Drame, Western
Acteurs José Mojica Marins

After running away from a shoot out, the outlaw Jaime falls to the edge of a river, where he is helped by two beautiful young women. He becomes involved romantically with Dorinha, daughter of a farmer and, because of his love for her, kills her father. When escaping the arrest, Jaime has to face Xavier, a bloodthirsty outlaw who plans to avenge the father of Dorinha. Marins appears as Gregorio, a gunman of the flock of Xavier. Marins also wrote the lyrics of the ten songs of the soundtrack. In 1964, the film was relaunched with an extra dose of sex, having included a new scenes with about ten minutes in the brothel.
A Última Estação, 1h54
Origine Bresil
Genres Drame
Thèmes L'immigration
Acteurs Mounir Maasri, Elisa Lucinda

The Lebanese teenager Tarik leaves his hometown in search of a better life in Brazil. On the journey by ship, he befriended other young Arabs and Syrians, but when they reached the country, each went to a different way. After 50 years, Tarik, with the help of his daughter, resolves to find the friends of the trip.
A Virgem e o Machão, 1h30
Réalisé par José Mojica Marins
Origine Bresil
Genres Drame, Comédie, Comédie érotique, Pornographique

Two doctors are called to work at a city hospital, and soon attract the attention of all the local women. When their wives discover a sexual bet has been made between their husbands and a stranger, they decide to retaliate and call the macho man for a holiday in a country house.