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Les films ayant le genre "Thriller", triés par recette

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Jesus Code
Jesus Code (2002)

Réalisé par Sebastian Niemann
Genres Science-fiction, Thriller, Fantasy, Aventure
Acteurs Matthias Koeberlin, Naike Rivelli, Robinson Reichel, Pierre Semmler

Steffen Vogt est un archéologue allemand qui travaille sur un site en Israël. La découverte par hasard d'un squelette vient jeter un doute sur l'authenticité historique du site. En effet, le squelette semble vieux de plusieurs siècles, pourtant on trouve à ses côtés un support de notes en plastique et l'un de ses os a été renforcé par une prothèse en titane...
Fleur Secrète, 1h55
Réalisé par Takashi Ishii
Genres Drame, Thriller, Horreur, Romance
Thèmes Sexualité, Erotique
Acteurs Aya Sugimoto, Renji Ishibashi, Hironobu Nomura, Kenichi Endō, Shigeo Kobayashi, Susumu Terajima

La sublime épouse d'un PDG refuse de se soumettre aux fantasmes de son mari. Frustré, ce dernier demande à l'un de ses employés modèles, dont la mère fut, après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, une "maîtresse" réputée, de l'initier à des plaisirs interdits.
Horrors of War, 1h39
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Thriller, Action, Horreur
Thèmes Maladie, Zombie, Épidémie, Uchronie, Film catastrophe
Acteurs Daniel Alan Kiely

Feeling the pressure from Allied advance, Hitler unleashes his secret weapons giving rise to a type of warfare the world has never seen. Throughout the European theater of WWII, Lieutenant John Schmidt comes face to face with these "weapons." The Office of Strategic Services (O.S.S., precursor to the C.I.A.) initiates missions behind enemy lines to find the source of the weapons terrorizing U.S. soldiers fighting the Third Reich. Schmidt is joined by Captain Joe Russo and his group of war-hardened GIs who have experienced for themselves the all-too-real horrors of war in battle. Together, they must find and destroy Hitler's horde of nightmare weapons before his horrific vision can be fully realized.
Anita (2009)
, 1h44
Genres Drame, Thriller, Romance
Acteurs Norma Aleandro, Luis Luque, Mercedes Scápola

Anita (Alejandra Manzo) is a young girl with Down's Syndrome and lives with her mother (Norma Aleandro) in the Once neighborhood of Balvanera in Buenos Aires. Her life is changed forever in 1994 after the AMIA bombing. Anita doesn't understand what has happened; she only remembers that her mother left to handle some paperwork, the ground began to shake and she fell off the ladder she was not supposed to climb. Frightened by the noise, she runs from the area of the bombing, totally disoriented. In her odyssey she encounters several people that provide temporary assistance as she searches for her mother.
Daniel y Ana, 1h30
Réalisé par Michel Franco
Genres Drame, Thriller
Thèmes La famille, Sexualité, Le viol
Acteurs Marimar Vega, José María Torre, Verónica Langer

Daniel et Ana Torres sont les enfants d'une famille aisée de Mexico. Ils sont tous deux à des moments clés de leur vie. La belle Ana prépare son mariage et Daniel s'apprête à entrer dans l'âge adulte. Leur paisible existence bascule le jour où ils sont kidnappés. Leurs geôliers savent à peu près tout de leur vie mais ne cherchent pas à obtenir de rançon ... Daniel et Ana devront pour sauver leur vie, commettre un acte qui modi era leur jeune existence à tout jamais.
Život i smrt porno bande, 1h30
Genres Drame, Thriller, Comédie, Action, Aventure, Horreur, Romance
Thèmes Film traitant du cinéma, Maladie, Sexualité, Snuff movie, La télévision, La pornographie, Sida

Marko (Mihajlo Jovanovic) is an unsuccessful director that begins filming with Cane (Srdjan Miletic), a porn director, after he finds himself unable to successfully shoot his own films. Through these films Marko finds an outlet for the anger he feels towards society, as well as a new group of friends in the porn industry. Marko eventually has a falling out with Cane and starts his own porn cabaret club. An initially positive beginning turns sour when Cane's brother interrupts a film premiere, resulting in the press destroying Marko and his club. Marko debates leaving the city, but is approached by a German journalist who suggests that Marko begin making snuff films.
Le tour d'écrou, 1h29
Réalisé par Tim Fywell
Origine Royaume-uni
Genres Drame, Thriller, Fantastique, Horreur
Thèmes Maladie, Fantômes, Folie, Hôpital psychiatrique
Acteurs Michelle Dockery, Dan Stevens, Eva Sayer, Mark Umbers, Corin Redgrave, Wendy Albiston

Londres, 1921. Dans un hôpital accueillant les blessés et les malades de la Première Guerre mondiale, un psychiatre tente d'aider Anne, une jeune femme qu'il considère de prime abord comme étant une malade mentale. Un matin, elle réussit à lui parler et lui dit en chuchotant « J'ai vu le diable ». Le psychiatre, surpris, lui demande de lui raconter ce qui s'est passé au manoir où elle a séjourné pendant quelque temps pour s'occuper de deux enfants. Elle commence alors son récit.
Bhaag Johnny
Réalisé par Vikram Bhatt
Genres Thriller
Thèmes La musique, Musique, Bollywood
Acteurs Kunal Khemu, Zoa Morani, Mandana Karimi ( Manizhe Karimi), Mandana Karimi, Vikram Bhatt, Manasi Scott

Bhaag Johnny is a film about a man who is forced to lead two lives and the chain of events that follow when he has to opt for one over the other. The thought behind Bhaag Johnny is what if you could live two lives borne out of different choices at the same time? What if you could both kill someone or not kill someone? What if you fall in love and not fall in love? How it would be to live the consequences of both sides of the coin?
Dehraadun Diary, 1h50
Genres Thriller
Acteurs Adhyayan Suman, Ragini Nandwani, Rati Agnihotri, Neelima Azeem, Ashwini Kalsekar

The story revolves around the daughter of a politician who is in love with the son of a retired IAS officer but her lover is killed by her brother due to their status difference. The struggles of the family who lost their son and that of the lover who has to fight against her own family for justice in a corrupt system forms the rest of the movie.
奪命心跳, 1h35
Genres Thriller, Horreur
Acteurs Tony Leung Ka-fai, Anya Wu

Lin Yan (Kelly Lin) is a beautiful woman who has fallen into dire straits as a result of a heart transplant that is gradually turning into another person. Yan believes that all the strange things that she encounters are the result of the heart transplant and that she is becoming the deceased owner of the heart Jiang Beiyan (Anya). Due to memory of the heart, Yan gradually sees different memories of Beiyan and under heavy mental pressure, she develops hallucinations and always feeling that Beiyan is around her. Also because of the memory of the heart, Yan thinks that her face is Beiyan and thinks she sees Beiyan while looking at herself in the mirror and pursues her memories and finds help from Beiyan's boyfriend Ma Benke (Huang Weide). In reality, it is physician Jiang Mu (Tony Leung) who is manipulating everything from behind. Mu knows that he has brain cancer and does not have much time left and uses Yan as his experimental target to verify that his "heart memory" theory is feasible and to extend the life of her lover, Beiyan. Mu gave Benke a heart injected with a large dose of anesthetic and yielded his heart to Benke hoping to revive himself in Benke's body so he can live a happy life with Beiyan.
Enter Nowhere, 1h30
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Science-fiction, Thriller, Horreur
Thèmes Politique
Acteurs Scott Eastwood, Sara Paxton, Shaun Sipos, Katherine Waterston, Christopher Denham

Un groupe d'étrangers se retrouve prisonnier d'une forêt surnaturelle. Ils trouvent refuge dans une cabane abandonnée et doivent apprendre à se fier les uns aux autres et oeuvrer ensemble pour trouver une façon de s'échapper des bois.