Sven-Bertil Taube est un Acteur Suédois né le 24 novembre 1934 à Stockholm (Suede)
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Nom de naissance Sven-Bertil Gunnar Evert TaubeNationalité SuedeNaissance 24 novembre 1934 à Stockholm (
Mort 11 novembre 2022 (à 87 ans)
Récompenses Litteris et Artibus
Sven-Bertil Gunnar Evert Taube (born 24 November 1934) is a Swedish singer and actor. Born in Stockholm, he is the son of songwriter Evert Taube and sculptor Astri Taube.
At age 14, Taube began playing guitar. While traveling throughout Europe, he developed an interest in folklore and folk music. He performed in concerts and on Swedish and Norwegian radio while a student at the Royal Beskow School in Stockholm.
Taube graduated in 1954 from the Cherry Lawn School in Darien, Connecticut. While he was a student at the school, Folkways Records invited him to record an album of Swedish folk songs.
Taube has been married four times, and has four children, born in 1960, 1965, 1979, and 1994. He belongs to an untitled branch of the Baltic German noble Taube family, introduced at the Swedish House of Nobility in 1668 as noble family No.
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