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Graeme Blundell est un Acteur Australien né le 8 juillet 1945 à Melbourne (Australie)

Graeme Blundell

Graeme Blundell
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Nom de naissance Graeme Blundell
Nationalité Australie
Naissance 8 juillet 1945 (79 ans) à Melbourne (Australie)

Graeme Blundell (born 7 August 1945) is an Australian actor, director, producer, writer and biographer.

Le plus souvent avec

Tim Burstall
Tim Burstall
(4 films)
Bruce Spence
Bruce Spence
(5 films)
Roger Ford
Roger Ford
(2 films)
John Jarratt
John Jarratt
(4 films)
Jon Finlayson
Jon Finlayson
(3 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmographie de Graeme Blundell (24 films)

Afficher la filmographie sous forme de liste


In Her Skin, 1h47
Genres Drame, Thriller
Acteurs Guy Pearce, Sam Neill, Miranda Otto, Ruth Bradley, Kate Bell, Justine Clarke
Rôle Ivan
Note63% 3.195773.195773.195773.195773.19577
The film begins when 15-year-old Rachel Barber (Kate Bell) misses her train home one night to meet with her father, Mike (Guy Pearce). Mike relays this unusual action to his wife and Rachel's mother; Elizabeth (Miranda Otto). Initially only moderately concerned; hours drag on and the Barber family begin a frantic search for her.
Not Quite Hollywood, 1h43
Genres Comédie, Documentaire
Thèmes Documentaire sur le monde des affaires, Documentaire sur le cinéma, Documentaire sur les films
Acteurs Phillip Adams, Christine Amor, Steve Bisley, Glory Annen Clibbery, Jamie Blanks, Graeme Blundell
Rôle Lui-même
Note75% 3.790593.790593.790593.790593.79059
Alors que le cinéma australien a percé auprès du public international dans les années 1970 grâce à des films d'art et d'essai respectés comme "Picnic at Hanging Rock" de Peter Weir, un nouveau groupe clandestin de réalisateurs de films d'exploitation à petit budget produisait des œuvres beaucoup moins nobles. Le documentariste Mark Hartley explore cette ère de sexe et de violence débridée, avec des extraits de certains des films les plus scandaleux de la scène et des entretiens avec les cinéastes renégats eux-mêmes.
Star Wars, épisode III - La Revanche des Sith, 2h20
Réalisé par George Lucas, David Tattersall
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Science-fiction, Fantasy, Action, Aventure
Thèmes L'espace, La grossesse, Monde imaginaire, Sexualité, Dans l'espace, Sur une planète fictive, Extra-terrestres, Politique, Dystopique, Space opera, Films pour enfants, Extraterrestre, Mise en scène d'un robot
Acteurs Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, Hayden Christensen, James Earl Jones, Ian McDiarmid, Samuel L. Jackson
Rôle Ruwee Naberrie
Note75% 3.79843.79843.79843.79843.7984
L'univers de Star Wars se déroule dans une galaxie qui est le théâtre d'affrontements entre les Chevaliers Jedi et les Seigneurs noirs des Sith, personnes sensibles à la Force, un champ énergétique mystérieux leur procurant des pouvoirs psychiques. Les Jedi maîtrisent le Côté lumineux de la Force, pouvoir bénéfique et défensif, pour maintenir la paix dans la galaxie. Les Sith utilisent le Côté obscur, pouvoir nuisible et destructeur, pour leurs usages personnels et pour dominer la galaxie.
Idiot Box
Idiot Box (1997)
, 1h25
Genres Drame, Thriller, Comédie
Thèmes La mer, Transport
Acteurs Ben Mendelsohn, Jeremy Sims, John Polson, Celia Ireland, Graeme Blundell, David Wenham
Rôle Detective Eric
Note63% 3.194673.194673.194673.194673.19467
The story follows two fictional characters Mick and Kev who have nothing to offer. They are stereotypical bogans with a taste for cheap thrills. Kev's hobby is being angry, his motto is "Maximum fear, minimum time". He is unemployed with "attitude," an antagonistic manner. Mick is his best friend ("mate") and together they kill time drinking beer, watching the Idiot Box and looking for action on the street.
La princesse de l espace
Genres Science-fiction, Fantasy
Acteurs Graeme Blundell, Tina Bursill, Grant Dodwell, David Franklin, Melissa Jaffer, Leverne McDonnell
Rôle Dr. Chambers
Note66% 3.337693.337693.337693.337693.33769
Il faisait un temps vraiment bizarre lorsque monsieur et madame Harrisson se rendirent à l'hôpital. Ils attendaient leur premier enfant. Mais... surprise totale... ce sont deux jumeaux qui voient le jour : un garçon et une fille, Bobby et Sally. Les années passent et ce n'est que parce que Sally a un accident et est emmenée à l'hôpital qu'elle se révèle être d'origine extra-terrestre !
Australian graffiti, 1h43
Réalisé par John Duigan
Origine Australie
Genres Drame, Romance
Acteurs Noah Taylor, Loene Carmen, Ben Mendelsohn, Judi Farr, Graeme Blundell, Lynette Curran
Rôle Nils Olson
Note72% 3.6441953.6441953.6441953.6441953.644195
In the 1960s, Danny (Noah Taylor), a thin, socially awkward adolescent, falls in love with his best friend Freya (Loene Carmen) in rural New South Wales, Australia. Unfortunately, she is attracted to Trevor (Ben Mendelsohn), a high school rugby star, larrikin and petty criminal who helps Danny with the school bullies. Shortly after sleeping with Freya at the abandoned house, Trevor steals a car for a joyride and is arrested and sent to juvenile detention; it is while he is away that Freya reveals to Danny that she is pregnant. Danny offers to marry her and claim that the child is his, but Freya refuses, saying that she does not want to marry anyone. Meanwhile, intrigued by a locket left to Freya by an elderly friend of theirs who recently died -engraved "SEA"- Danny begins to investigate the town's past, and discovers a lone cross in the cemetery bearing those initials, belonging to a "Sara Elizabeth Amery," who died days after Freya was born. Through inquiries with his parents, Danny learns that Sara was something of the town prostitute years ago, and that she was Freya's biological mother, who died trying to give birth by herself at the abandoned house.
Melvin, Son of Alvin
Genres Comédie
Acteurs Graeme Blundell, Tina Bursill, David Argue, Irène Papas, Steve Bastoni, Katy Manning
Rôle Alvin Purple
Note47% 2.357292.357292.357292.357292.35729
A TV reporter is doing an article on the sexiest man on Earth. She tracks down Alvin Purple and discovers he has a son, Melvin, who is similarly irresistible to women. However Melvin is scared of women, and is a virgin.
Midnite Spares
Genres Comédie, Action, Policier
Acteurs Gia Carides, Bruce Spence, David Argue, Max Cullen, Graeme Blundell, Terry Camilleri
Rôle Sidebottom
Note51% 2.5805652.5805652.5805652.5805652.580565
Steve Hall (James Laurie) is a young sprintcar driver from Toowoomba who has returned home to Sydney to team up with his dad Ted and his business partner Tomas (Max Cullen) in their towing and panel beating business "T&T Towing", as well as to team up with his dad who is also a Sprintcar driver at the local speedway. He arrives to find his dad has mysteriously disappeared and Tomas is being pressured to be part of an illegal "chop shop" ring.
The Odd Angry Shot, 1h32
Genres Guerre, Comédie, Action
Thèmes Politique
Acteurs Graham Kennedy, Bryan Brown, John Hargreaves, John Jarratt, Graeme Blundell, Richard Moir
Rôle Dawson
Note65% 3.293643.293643.293643.293643.29364
Bill, a young new recruit in the Australian Special Air Service, arrives for his year-long tour of duty in Vietnam. Other members of his section include Harry, the section's Corporal and the oldest and most worldly-wise of the group, along with Bung, Rogers, Dawson and Scott. The close-knit group cope with their circumstances with a mixture of humour, cheek, practical jokes and copious quantities of beer. Harry has an ongoing verbal feud with the company cook over the questionable quality of the food. During the first weeks of their stay in Vietnam, their biggest enemies are mud, boredom, tinea and the never-ending torrential rains. However the real war strikes suddenly one night when an enemy mortar barrage hits their camp claiming a number of casualties. The section's first operation takes place shortly afterwards; a short sharp engagement in the dense jungle, which leaves Scott mortally wounded and one wounded Viet Cong who escapes. This encounter sets the tone for the remainder of their tour. Long, exhausting patrols which are periodically interrupted by short savage encounters with either the enemy, mines or booby-traps.