Sparks is a 2013 American independent action thriller film based on the graphic novel written by Christopher Folino and designed by JM Ringuet and Tyler Endicott turned into a superhero noir. The movie is co-directed, produced, and written by Christopher Folino. The film was in production in January 2013 and was released in March 2014 in the USA.
The film stars Chase Williamson as the Sparks, Ashley Bell as the Lady Heavenly, Clancy Brown, Jake Busey, William Katt, Marina Squerciati and Clint Howard among others.Synopsis
Un justicier masqué, Sparks, découvre le côté sombre de l'héroïsme. Après s'être dressé contre le criminel le plus connu du pays, sa vie et sa réputation vont être ruinées.