Redline is a 2007 American action film starring an ensemble cast. The film's plot is centered on a street racing circle funded by a group of multimillionaires who wager millions of dollars over their high-powered supercars. It was written and produced by Daniel Sadek, who also used his own automobile collection in the film. The film title was borrowed from the original working title of the 2001 movie, The Fast and the Furious. A critical and financial failure at the box office, the film is most notable for being funded by subprime loans issued by Sadek's company, Quick Loan Funding, which closed its doors in the wake of the subprime mortgage crisis. It was featured on the CNBC special House of Cards as an example of the excess of the pre-meltdown mortgage market in the United States.
Redline was released in North America on April 13, 2007, and has been given a PG-13 rating by the MPAA.Synopsis
Entre Los Angeles et las Vegas, une pilote super sexy se retrouve embarquée dans une course automobile illégale, organisée pour le plaisir d’une bande de millionnaires fans de bolides. Face à un gang de marginaux de la cote ouest, elle va braver tous les dangers, entre crash explosifs et meurtres, car seul le plus rapide s’en sortira !