Night Bus (Italian: Notturno bus) is a 2007 Italian noir-comedy film directed by Davide Marengo. A low-budget film, it became a sleeper box office hit.
^ Nick Vivarelli (April 15, 2010). "Italy boards ‘Night Bus’ to China". Variety. Retrieved 24 February 2014.Synopsis
The movie is set against the marvellous city of Rome as Davide Marengo's crime story revolves around two main characters, a female thief, Leila (Mezzogiorno), whose modus operandi of looting her victims is by administering drugs or seducing them, and a lonely bus driver, Franz (Mastandrea), who is up to his neck in debt. The real story advances when the duo happens to come into possession of a valuable microchip valued at 4 million euros. The film's plot comes across more twists as a pair of hardened criminals, Garafano (Pannofino) and Diolaiti (Citran), and a retired intelligence officer, Carlo Matera (Fantastichini), enter the scene.