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Not Quite Hollywood est un film de genre Comédie avec Phillip Adams

Not Quite Hollywood (2008)

Not Quite Hollywood
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Not Quite Hollywood: The Wild, Untold Story of Ozploitation! is a 2008 Australian documentary film about the Australian New Wave of 1970s and '80s low-budget cinema. The film was written and directed by Mark Hartley, who interviewed over eighty Australian, American and British actors, directors, screenwriters and producers, including Quentin Tarantino, Brian Trenchard-Smith, Jamie Lee Curtis, Dennis Hopper, George Lazenby, George Miller, Barry Humphries, Stacy Keach and John Seale.

Hartley spent several years writing a detailed research document, which served to some degree as a script for the film, about the New Wave era of Australian cinema. It focused on the commonly overlooked "Ozploitation" films—mainly filled with sex, horror and violence—which critics and film historians considered vulgar and offensive, often excluded from Australia's "official film history". Hartley approached Quentin Tarantino, a longtime "Ozploitation" fan who had dedicated his 2003 film Kill Bill to the exploitation genre, and Tarantino agreed to help get the project off the ground. Hartley then spent an additional five years interviewing subjects and editing the combined 250 hours of interviews and original stock footage into a 100-minute film.

Not Quite Hollywood, which premiered at the 2008 Melbourne International Film Festival, did not perform well at the box office upon its Australia-wide release, but garnered universally positive reviews from critics and a nomination for "Best Documentary" at the 2008 Australian Film Institute Awards.


Alors que le cinéma australien a percé auprès du public international dans les années 1970 grâce à des films d'art et d'essai respectés comme "Picnic at Hanging Rock" de Peter Weir, un nouveau groupe clandestin de réalisateurs de films d'exploitation à petit budget produisait des œuvres beaucoup moins nobles. Le documentariste Mark Hartley explore cette ère de sexe et de violence débridée, avec des extraits de certains des films les plus scandaleux de la scène et des entretiens avec les cinéastes renégats eux-mêmes.


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Source : Wikidata


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